Sex scenes?

I was wondering if there was a sex scene in this? Its not that I want to see one but I was thinking of watching it with people who wouldnt want to see a sex scene. Can anyone tell me if there is one and if so, how graphic is it? Many thanks!

Why... oh why... oh why


There's one (dirty, filthy) sex scene; it's not at all subtle, but not graphic either (few nipple shots, that's all). It's also essential to the plot! Not just that they have sex, but they way they have sex.


Yes, there's a sex scene, but it is between married people. However, it is fairly explicit, if brief, and your friends might feel uncomfortable.


The sex scene is explicit mostly because of the dialogue. I found it to be an unintentionally hilarious moment in the film, due to Michael Sheen's facial expressions. He's a great actor and brought this quirky yet powerful film to life.
