body count?

Does anyone know the body count of this film? there was another thread that had deaths but obviously it was only for a joke, so does anyone know it?


Let's see, the deaths in order are:

*(s) denotes a death by a scarecrow

Elijah Baker
Alex (s)
Jessica (s)
Bryan (s)
Angela (s)

So, that's 6 deaths, not including the 3 scarecrows. (9 total deaths)


Thank you! So the survivors are Darcy, Justin, Sean, Felicia, and Maggie?


Well, Maggie was a ghost sent to warn Sean of his family's past. Justin and Felicia are only in the one scene and are never seen again. The only true survivors were Darcy and Sean.


hmmm can you explain how they all died please? i can't see this film anywhere on the net and my parents won't let me buy movies online so I'd like to know.



*(s) denotes a death by a scarecrow

Sheriff - shot by Elijah Baker with a shotgun

Elijah Baker - shot multiple times by the Sheriff's deputy, Frank

Alex (s) - Large scythe (i think thats what its called) through the back, coming out of her chest. Later seen with no head, arms or legs on a cross in the cornfield

Jessica (s) - Killed offscreen...Later seen hanging on a cross, disembowled with intestines hanging out.

Scarecrow #1 - Set on fire by Sean

Bryan (s)- Stabbed through the shoulder earlier in the film, later on has his eyes poked out (killed offscreen)

Scarecrow #2 - Ripped in half by Sean and Darcy

Angela (s) - She is slashed with a small scythe early on and strung up on a cross with barbed wire. She manages to escape, but is later killed by being stabbed through the back with a knife or scythe or something along those lines

Scarecrow #3 - Dary shoots a road flare while the scarecrow is in a silo with some propane tanks. Sean then beheads it with a large scythe.

Hope this helps!
