MovieChat Forums > Dark Harvest (2004) Discussion > Can you believe this crew?

Can you believe this crew?

This is from the Director's official website:

Stormcatcher Films LLC is a genre specific production company that was founded in 2002 by Producer Scot Tanner and Writer/Director Paul Moore. The goal was simple; Make movies for people who love movies. The core idea was to nurture projects that had both the potential to capture the spirit of their genre and ability to help reinvent it.

The first step toward the realization of this objective came with the release of Dark Harvest. The film represents the beginning of Stormcatcher Films’ journey into the world of independent film. The Feeding, the company’s next film, will mark the next stage of Stormcatcher Films’ evolution. Employing all new as well as returning talent, The Feeding promises to build and expand on the foundation laid by Dark Harvest.

Stormcatcher Films LLC is continuing to grow and adapt. Always on the forefront of the company’s agenda is the pursuit of projects that are original in their design and exceptional in their execution. However, above all, we aspire to produce titles for an audience that has as much fun watching them as we have making them.

My questions for Mr. Moore are these:

1. How was "Dark Harvest" fun to watch?
2. Do you realize you failed to make a movie "for people who love movies"?
3. Do you feel bad for taking money from people who thought this movie would at least be decent?
4. I know you have a new movie titled "The Feeding" coming out soon. When you get the same feedback on that film as you did for "Dark Harvest" will you open your eyes and admit your movies suck? I mean really-really bad.

My last comment would be: If you hate someone, I mean really hate them and wish ill will towards them; make them watch this film.

Sutter Cain


Dark Harvest is not a great film. The script was very weak, the acting was poor, the State was mispelled, and various other problems too numerous to mention. But, you know what? They wrote a script... raised the money got the film made... sold it into distribution... and made a return... All outside the studio system! That is the end goal of every indie filmmaker. The production budget of this film was only $60,000 and, considering that VERY small amount, I am very impressed at how the film turned out. My only real complaint would simply be that they didn't spend enough time fine-tuning the script. Also, the Scarecrows could have been a little cooler, but do you have any idea how expensive it is to develop a high-end costume?

The truth is, Stormcatcher Films, and particularly Paul Moore, are well aware that their film was not "up to snuff." But, it was good enough to get made and allow them the chance to make their next feature at a much higher level.

Every filmmaker has to start somewhere. As long as their films continue to get better, that is all that matters. And if they don't, so what? They've done more than most people. And people forget that movies are a BUSINESS! Even the big studios know that 75% of their projects will fail, its the 25% that succeed that keep them in the black. Stormcatcher Films was only able to put out one film. That film made money and opened many doors for them, even though it wasn't very good. I suggest you wait until they are making 5 to 10 films a year, and they all suck, before rushing to judgement.


So you'll be sending me my $4.10 back?




Suttercain quit being a little b itch. They tried at least and I thought they did a pretty good job. Have you made a better movie lately? No? Then *beep* the *beep* up.
