MovieChat Forums > Road Wars Discussion > no one visits these boards.... heres wha...

no one visits these boards.... heres what i want

A show which is just joyriders being chased by cops even if they get a stunt driver in to fake it. I get so board with all the rubbishy burgulars who drive down the road and our stopped for not wearing a seat belt and it just *beep* drags on and on. Wish it was gd


I saw this three hours after it was posted.


cool, hi sandcrap91.

Does anyone else which road wars had more exciting car chases from the UK (the American ones just dont work for me). I dont know about ne 1 else but I love a thrilling car chase where it ends with a stolen fiesta or whatever smashes into a raling (not killing ne 1 of course) or rolls over or even just gets dumped with some kid running off. joyriders are always more determined to get away from the police and make into a game and get a thrill from it and its more fun to watch. where as a drunk driver is just boring talkin about how his wife is a cow and how she left him for another woman


I love it when it's children/teenagers being chased - just makes it more funny!



Ah its 'that speshull' thread for the 'speshull' people its nice to see every board has one.
