Who plays the nurse?

She's pretty cute, and I can't seem to find her name in the cast list. Does anybody know who she is?


I think she's Amy Adams.

She was very good in this.

In a few of her movies, she played a total bitch. It was great seeing her like she was in this show. I hope they keep her around.

"Seinfeld's van? SEINFELD'S VAN!
"He said, 'Son Of Sam'! Oh My GOD! I knew it wasn't Berkowitz!"


It's Amy Adams. Her biggest role before this was as "Brenda," Leo DiCaprio's love interest in "Catch Me if You Can." She is also in "Drop Dead Gorgeous" and "Pumpkin."


Amy Adams is hot she was also in Cruel INtentions 2, with Sarah Thompson...

why isn't Amy in the opening credits though?


why isn't Amy in the opening credits though?

Salary issues won't allow her to stick around forever.


is red her natural hair? she was a blonde in other stuff i've seen her in...

she looks good as a red head...

i don't like Sarah Lancaster, they should have made Amy the main girl...


Amy was asked to take a pay cut. She said "no." She was let go after episode six. Hopefully the show will be "let go" as well.


well im definitely stop watching after she leaves.... she was the only reason i was watching the show in the first place...
