Rank Bree's Relationships

Rank Bree's relationships from your most liked to your most disliked.

Mine are:
1. Trip
2. Karl
3. Keith
4. Chuck
5. Orson
6. Rex
7. George


The problem with Bree is that she couldn't be without a man.


The problem with Bree is that she couldn't be without a man.

I think that started after Orson left her. When Rex died, she didn't want to be in the relationship with George. She was manipulated into one by George during her weakest moment of her grief cycle. Had George not forced her like he did, I think she would have been without a man until Peter came along.

My ranking:
1. Orson
2. Karl
3. George (Even though they were awful together, he killed Rex. I appreciate characters who get rid of others I can't stand)
4. Chuck
5. Trip
6. Peter (gotta count the AA sponsor. Even though it was brief, it was still a relationship with an unforgettable ending)
7. Keith
8. Rex


1. Rex. Despite the drama I still believe he was her soulmate.
2. Orson. S3 through s4 they were great. Then the writers screwed it up.

Karl. Didnt buy it at all.
Keith. No. Just no.
Chuck. He was ok until the writers turned him into a psychopath for their writing convenience.

The lawyer? Lol whats his name? Added too late.

Just No.
Peter. He banged her son nuff said.

"something far for savage even than nature. Oliver Thredson was, to all appearances a kindly figure"


I wasn't fond of most relationships tbh, but I'll try to rank them!

1. Orson
2. Rex
3. George
4. Karl
5. Trip
6. Peter
7. Keith
8. Chuck

I absolutely loved Bree and Orson together (until they *beep* that relationship up). For me, chemistry between the actors and entertaining, emotional and powerful scenes are what make a good tv relationship. So this isn't ranked in order of 'the best' relationships, because clearly Bree and George wasn't a good, healthy relationship lol.


Bree and Orson were perfect until the writers royally screwed them up for no reason.


George and Rex were better than Orson
