Miss Lawrence

Was anyone else really disappointed when the supportive religion teacher turned on him under cross-examination?


Yup. I was like oh wow... and start tearing up, poor marc.



No. Just because she supported the fact that he was gay, did not mean that she actually condoned the homosexual lifestyle.

Assuming that the woman was Catholic, she most likely upheld Catholic teaching that homosexuality is a disorder, rather than a normal sexual orientation.

The truth is, it wasn't the school or school board which was discriminating against Hall. It was Marc Hall & his boyfriend who were imposing their lifestyle on the Catholic highschool.



"But wasn't the School imposing their set of morals on Marc Hall, as well, by denying him his right to bring a date?"

No. This was a Catholic school, which Hall was attending, & he knew what the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexual relationships was. If he didn't like it, he should have attended a public high school, where the agenda was secular. Not a religious one.


Oh, nonsense! The depressed look on Miss Lawrence's face after leaving the principal's office indicates that she was pressured into doing something against her better judgment; she was intimidated into testifying against Marc at the trial!


"...pressured into doing something against her better judgement;"

Against her **BETTER JUDGEMENT**?!?!

The school was the one which were acting out their better judgement!!!!

All Marc Hall was doing was acting out what most youths do: Rebelling!!!!


I know of Catholic colleges that set aside spaces for Muslim prayers. Certainly, a religion and religious institution this willing to alter its innate spiritual essence can bend its strict readings of Romans (or whatever verse anti-homo "believers" cherry pick) to let a Catholic gay boy bring his date to the friggin' prom!

Again, the teacher encouraged Marc to challenge the system. Her tears at the end were tears of a sell-out who, in order to keep paying her bills, ended up betraying a student she originally supported.


You are absolutely correct, she was crying because she sold out. On the other hand, you could have left it there and not mentioned "paying her bills." Are you going to pay her bills? I am closing in on 60 with a host of health problems. I protested and risked arrest when I was younger, but I certainly can't be without health insurance now and be homeless because I can't make the mortgage.
