Softcore Porno

Does anybody else think the Species series is simply an elaborate softcore porno? Reletively intricate story, lots of suggested sex as well as graphic sex, and plenty of nudity = softcore porno with sci-fi story.


Absolutely!!!, cheesey softcore sci-fi porn with a bit of gore thrown in...The first film hinted at this but with a fairly big budget & well known A-ish list actors it was billed as a "serious" intellectual sci-fi horror flick. 2 & 3 were, on the other hand were pure softcore horror sci-fi porn...Species 3 in particular should be really un-watchable "straight to video" TV film dross, yet it has a strange appeal...and is quite watchable!!



it sure did



is this a problem or something? these films dont claim to be anything other than "popcorn films" - a genre thats been around forever. tits, gore, guns, goofy/silly dialogue, and bad - sometimes funny acting. movies like this are made for brainless entertainment, what did you expect? lol.




No, I don't find the Species films to be "an elaborate softcore porno". Since I'm gay I don't care whether or not there are nude women running all over the show or a gratuitous amount of sex, just as long as the story is good (and unfortunately it started suffering with the ridiculous Mars concept in Species II).
Please, do yourself a favour and track down the Species: Special Edition DVD and watch the second disc. There is an interview with Dennis Feldman, the writer of the original Species script, on it. Watch it and then you return and tell me what you think.

Frans Hattingh



"I'm not even going to dignify that idiocrity with a direct response."
I can't think of one either.


who are u ppl... there's a slight bit of skin.. and thats how movies should be...


*sigh* I have to say it.

Regardless if you are gay or not, the very aspect of this movie series revolves around a hot alien babe wanting to bang earth guys. Basically, all I remember from those movies were horrible lines, poor acting, and sex. It's not a true to form softcore porn, however, there really isn't anything to the film. It's most every heterosexual nerd's wet dream.


I think softcore- sci-fi porn pretty much bangs it on the nail as far as summarizing this trilogy is concerned. At least the first two movies had a 'mature' feel to it because of the characters' government status and the high-level military/government backdrop to the storyline.

This third one though played out more like a crappy college-campus teen-horror - and one aimed squarely at the 18-25 'FHM and Maxim' reading male market who just wanna gawp at T & A and enjoy some gratuitous gore in the process.

I agree the third one, awful as it was, is watchable... but only for the reasons that (a) it's a Species sequel and I wanted to see the full trilogy even though I knew this would be rubbish from the start (b) the special effects ain't too bad for a low-budget straight-to-vid film and (c) Sunny Mabrey is seriously hot!



My problem with it is that it's not hardcore enough!


Softcore porno? There's only like one scene where you actually see them having sex, and it's a pretty soft scene too, heaps of hollywood flicks have harder sex scenes.


I think it's the whole cheesy plot and style/theme of the movie that the OP is referring to, not the actual nudity and sexual scenes, yet it does indeed have that vibe.

