so many low budget movies the past 2 years. any decent votes on them on imdb were obviously only made by the people involved in the film. like come on this is beyond horrible. I PUKE ON EVERY1 IN THIS MOVIE


Geez...I actually liked this film. Victor's fall from grace (if...there ever was any) was everything that was missing in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (a HIGH budget piece of crap). If this film got props, it was for good writing and a good concept. Ever how bizarrely it plays out, it's still better then some of the stuff Hollywood's pumping out.


Yeah great film, but just what is it that gives the game away to being "Low Budget" I thought the acting was good, good script etc. Its not just inferior camera, editing equipment is it?



People need to stop hating and start giving props where props are due. This is by far not a "horrible low budeget movie", you obviously haven't seen many real indies. I had nothing to do with the movie at all, I just randomly picked it up at a local Blockbuster, and thought it was a really good flick(which I recommend everyone to do). Yes this movies has flaws, but so do many other movies, including big hollywood studio flicks. Please don't hate on people who get off there butt's and make there dreams happen. All I can say is that these guys spent , I don't know $40,000(this is what I have heard), made a movie, got it picked up by MAPLE, and now I can rent it, when the last time you spent 40,000 dollars on something important? Renting video games, and playing x box doesn't count,


You make valid arguments against the original "STOP IT" commenter, I’d just like to add that without independent filmmakers there would be no Hollywood Blockbusters that are probably this guy's favorite films, where do you think films came from?? it is the inventive, experimental filmmakers who are the backbone to the industry. these "horrible low budget movies" are usually where many of the great filmmakers begin, but hey if all you're looking for is the latest straightforward big budget narrative staring Tom Hanks or Denzel then here's an idea, just rent those films and leave the smaller independent films to those of us who are a little deeper and can enjoy the subtle nuances in these films. And no, I had absolutely nothing to do with making this film, nor do I know any of those that did, but my hat's off to them for their valient effort.


I also thought SIDEKICK was a highly entertaining movie. As for low-budget, I certainly didn't notice as the 87 minute running time zipped by. I just watched it on the digital cable, but want to pick up the DVD and I hope it has an informative commentary. A commendable effort from all involved.

I only hope there are plans for a sequel, as the ending sure left it open for one.


ugh, this movie was awful. The script was bad and the actors were even worse. The character Victor seriously sounded like he was acting in an infomercial.

terrible waste of time to watch.


wreath, shut your piehole. If you don't like low budget movies then just don't watch them, simple as that.
