am I missing something?

what exactly is this film about? I don't see a plot outline for it..what am I suppose to go out and buy it just becuase it's a "documentary"??


It is a documentary about how corporate control of the media has altered the way news is reported (and what is reported)--in particular about how the number of companies controlling the media has consolidated and the repercussions of that consolidation.

I just saw it myself and I think it contains some important information, but is not a great piece of film making (nor as entertaining as Michael Moore's documentaries, for example).


lol well i already knew that the news was like that good thing i didn't get this documentary...i like to watch documentary to learn things not to hear about things i already know.


Do you realize how far it's gone though. That's what you're missing.

I can tell there is a distinct difference between the news I heard in 1990 and what I hear in 2004, and the difficulty in obtaining information.


Absolutely, FuzzyWzhe. Woodstein wouldn't stand a chance in today's media environment.

Look, I know with what firm fixation the Republican Right holds us Liberal Lefties to accuracy in our comments (while ignoring truth and accuracy in theirs)so I can't honestly site numbers. I wonder, however, how much of the mainstream press covered the so-called "Downing Street Memorandum"? I know it was very little. For even the supposedly left-leaning NY Times treated it as a page 5 item. It received almost NO penetration into the public conscience. Yet, in fact, it is the smoking gun. It says that Bush and his NeoCon masters lied us into a war they wanted to wage for profit and position and 'adjusted' the facts and intellegence to suit their needs.

If, as is probable, you've not even heard of it, check here. It's news right now. Today. As I type this!

Along with that, we're probably all aware, now, that most of the American public gets its news from Fox. Most of Fox's viewers are still under the impression that A) WMD's were found in Iraq and B) Sadam was part of the 9/11 conspiracy.

NOTHING like the overt and covert control of America's press that currently exists has EVER been seen here. The so-called Left-Leaning Press if it ever existed, certainly no longer does. (I say at best American media was a balanced new-gathering effort...the efforts of some liberal reporters being balanced by a largly conservative media ownership)

We have moved away from a democracy to a theocracy without the press even mentioning it.

Come read the site:



yes the net has a lot of information. The problem is a) you have to go out of your way to find the information online, b) you have to go out of your way to research what information is credible and what isn't. In the past the news actually did give out mostly credible info, now they just don't report what they don't want you to hear. The masses still do not get anywhere near the amount of information today that they got even 15 years ago.


a)You can get tons of information "for" and "against" virtually any topic in just 20 minutes online, that's "going out of your way?"

b)How do you know the information that was given out by the media before was credible? There's no way to confirm that. You're just assuming what they told you 15 years aqo was more accurate. Before the internet, it was nearly impossible to research what was being broadcast for accuracy, but now you can.

"Freedom costs a $1.05!"


And that is exactly why certain government agencies are pushing the telecoms to give in and start sharing their server information. Ever hear of "Net Neutrality?" The Internet may be cheap and free for whatever information is out there, but that may not be for long if certain groups get their way.


The days of the 'neutral' and 'free' internet are numbered. So enjoy it while you can. Does anyone really believe that such a potential goldmine of profit, the likes of which has been unknown in commercial history, is going to last very long? Not bloody likely. The democratic, universal, 'free' sharing of ideas is dangerous to capitalists and inconsistent with the gospel of unlimited greed. The heavy hitters are ready to pounce, so get used to it.


I can tell there is a distinct difference between the news I heard in 1990 and what I hear in 2004, and the difficulty in obtaining information.

Uhh ever hear of William Randolph Hearst? Yeah, the American public hasn't gotten accurate information since his time.
