MovieChat Forums > August Underground's Mordum Discussion > It's weird how a lot of people just don'...

It's weird how a lot of people just don't get it

The very intention of the series is to be a true serial killer movie in the sense that it's not some guy with a mask killing naked teens in one location. It's trying to come as close as possible to creating the look of home video footage of a serial killer. There are lots of corpses, torture, and unspeakable cruelty but there's also lots of footage of them just hanging out and talking. The point is that they are still human and they do like to do normal things, they don't run around stabbing people 24/7.

When I first saw all 3 movies, I hated it but after reading interviews with Fred Vogel on just what these movies were made to be and watching it over with an open mind, I really appreciated what he was going for. It's not watered down crap like Hostel or Saw, this is raw, gritty, and the violence is not made for entertainment, it's just a really disgusting and brutal portrayal of violence. You're not gonna say "OMG his head just flew 20 feet in the air!" you're going to feel uncomfortable because it's the intention. These are murders and what gets them off is what fascinates us but seeing it firsthand really makes it harder, I mean imagine seeing the crimes of Dahmer through his eyes... that wouldn't be fun.


It's a bad film.

The complete lack of story makes it so bad as to be nearly unwatchable.

The special effects are good, but not as good as the acting is bad.

No f-----g s--t lady, do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza??



I don't know the specifics about all of this. I've seen all three films, but didn't they have to go to court of something to prove that it was JUST a movie? I have to say, I've got a friend that's interested in seeing the series and I'm thinking about just kick starting her with Mordum... she acts like she can take it, but even I was taken aback upon first viewing.


Its a bit pompous to simply declare that people who dislike the film 'just don't get it' its a very common sentiment on board for films like this, the man bites dog board is full of it. I GET the film, i get what theyre trying to do, i get what theyre NOT trying to do. But what they ended up with is a really boring film, an ACTUAL serial killers home movie would be amazing to watch purely because it IS an actual killers film. This just looks like one, no story, no acting, great effects, terrible, boring film.

I think theres a hole in this bag, i aint dead yet


For everyone that's going to start flaming me about "Oh you just can't take it, go back and watch Disney movies", let me preface this by saying I'm a big fan of horror and especially gore flicks in general. But here's the thing about this movie. It's just bad. Period. It had good intentions in the fact that it was trying to do something different from the norm, but the point is it failed miserably. It's one thing to be over the top and shocking (ie. the last scene in à l'intérieur), but a movie like this has 0 artistic merit. I honestly don't need to watch a 25 minute long scene where 3 fat chicks throw up on each other. It's not shocking, it's just gross. Unless the point of this movie is "You can pay fat girls to do almost anything because they are lonely and have low self-esteem", it missed the mark entirely. The fact that this movie qualifies as almost unwatchable has nothing to do with it being gory and shocking. While it is that at times, the main point is the movie is just not well made or thought out.


You're absolutely right. This was just a torture, vomit, simulated snuff porn. It was pointless. It was so hard to watch, not because of the gore, but because of the horrible acting, horrible camera work, and horrible (no) story. What a P.O.S.
I 'get' it dude, I just couldn't stand watching it.


I think films like this should be put into a different catogory. Its like porn.


A $hit film is still a $hit film, no matter how dress it up."...and don't point your fooking tenticles at me!"


I just watched this last night, and I have to say, I understand the intention of the film, akuma634... It just was a terrible movie.

"Give Me Immortality, Or Give Me Death"


but why would you want to see how dahmer killed his victims its immoral
