MovieChat Forums > Dnevnoy dozor (2007) Discussion > Should I watch 'Night Watch' first?

Should I watch 'Night Watch' first?

So I saw a preview for Day Watch on a stupid movie I rented. Never heard of it, but it looks really good. So my question is should I watch Night Watch first or will the story flow on it's on without any knowledge to it's predecessor?


Yes, the first movie is better to see first. The second one heavily relies on what you learned in it.


thanks! good to know


Just a word of warning: the first movie can get confusing at times. I liked it a lot, but it felt a bit slow in parts, too. Don't give up on it. It has a great ending and as the other poster said, the sequel relies heavily upon it for both plot and characters.


Absolutely agree. mad weather is right and also watching them back to back will definitely enhance the enjoyment of these highly visual and complex films.


I just watched Day Watch without watching Night Watch first and I have to say I had no idea what the *beep* was going on. At all. 2 and a half hours and zero. Zip. Nadda.


Yes - the storyline for Day Watch follows and intermigles with the storyline for Night Watch.

Also - they "bookend" each other - so things won't make much sense unless you've watched the first movie.


Yes, watch Night Watch before Day Watch, but, for crying out loud, READ the novels first !

The first movie is only confusing for people who didn't read the books first. For those who did, the first movie is a cleverly packed, fast paced, illustration of the story, very entertaining.
The second movie is a far greater drift from the books, which can only be understood if the first movie was understood, and if the books were known.

'Cause what you hears today you got to tell the birthed tomorrow.


You shouldn't have to read the books to be able to enjoy the movie.

Yes, I like to read. That's not the case here. I paid to see a movie and the movie should have the decency to make sense.

I was able to keep up with both movies but that's beside the point.

* * *
Chapter One of A Vampire Novel


Well, the director and the producers make the movie they want to make, it's their money. Those books were huge best-sellers in Russia, and they wanted to provide an movie illustration of the books (only a wild guess here, but I think I make sense).

They "should" or "should not" nothing, they don't "have to" make it simple for you. This is not Hollywood mainstream, nobody "has to" make sure "you", clueless as you (generic you) may be, understand their movies.

Having read the books beforehand, I can not thank the producers/directors/writers enough for the unique choice they made not to restate the whole plot at great length again but to move quickly and boldly into the story.

'Cause what you hears today you got to tell the birthed tomorrow.


I read Night Watch (the book) after watching the Night Watch & Day Watch. The book added more detail, of course, but I wouldn't say that it's necessary to read it beforehand. I thought the movies stood well on their own.
