this *beep* is hot

night watch is better but both movies put hollywood to shame.
hollywood's become a mindless mass production machine, disgusting. All because of money.


Well, aside from what I thought were some legitimate direction/editing problems, I thought both of these movies (Night Watch & Day Watch) were pretty unique.

They also were indeed a lot different and more complex movies that really do engage you unlike a lot of the mindless mass production\uninspired films produced by Hollywood lately, like you said. So, in that regard I definitely agree with you.

What were your ratings for Night Watch and Day Watch?


I much preferred Day Watch to Night Watch. Night Watch was more coherent but Day Watch was more inventive, more exciting and just plain good fun. I don't think everything Hollywood puts out is crap but a lot of it sure is.
Anyone know how this was made for equal to $4.2 million US dollars? That's insane! It looked like it had a budget of about $100 million.


I much preferred Day Watch to Night Watch. Night Watch was more coherent but Day Watch was more inventive, more exciting and just plain good fun.

Personally, I consider both to be about equal. What would you rate Night Watch then and what rating would you give Day Watch?

I don't think everything Hollywood puts out is crap but a lot of it sure is.

I'd say that the vast majority of movies produced by Hollywood, with rare exceptions, from sometime in the late 1990's to now have been trash. But that's just my opinion.

Anyone know how this was made for equal to $4.2 million US dollars? That's insane! It looked like it had a budget of about $100 million.

Well, both Night Watch and Day Watch are great exmaples of movies that fully utilize their budget and then some. For that reason alone, among others, I believe both films should be rated higher than what they are.


I personally loved them both and sad to say that even though I watched the films before reading the books, I've now purchased the whole set and loving them more! I see what is implied by loving Day Watch better, Night Watch, if you hadn't read the books is a very intensive introduction to the characters and world that is being portrayed whereas you can relax a little in Day Watch knowing the relationships, plot line etc etc.

I think they are a visual dream, very sophisticated and highly misunderstood - which adds to their charm. Just wish they'd keep making the whole series as so far as I've read (book 1), they pretty much based the two films on one book. Not a criticism considering a lot of book turn films sacrifice so much for one book to be one film!

Night Watch 8/10 Day Watch 8/10

Oh Boy!


As much hate as these films get, it's cool to see people who love these films post.

Your rating of these films is very close to mine. I rated both Night Watch and Day Watch 7.5/10 stars.

I actually started reading the Night Watch book recently so that I could gain more knowledge and perspective on these characters and their world as you said. Interesting read thus far.


I'd definitely give Day Watch (the only one I've seen so far) a 7/10. These movies are so much better than Hollywood. None of that usual formulaic stuff. Are they actually books? I'd totally read them. I thought from the feel of Day Watch that it might've been at one point a graphic novel. Very, very cool.


I'd definitely give Day Watch (the only one I've seen so far) a 7/10. These movies are so much better than Hollywood.

I agree that both movies are better than most of the stuff that Hollywood has put out in recent years. Also, IMHO watching Night Watch and then Day Watch, in that order, gives the viewer a better appreciation of the overall story.

Are they actually books? I'd totally read them. I thought from the feel of Day Watch that it might've been at one point a graphic novel. Very, very cool.

Yeah, these movies are based on a Russian novel by Sergey Lukyanenko (hope that's spelled right) but it's not a graphic novel. In my case, I was able to easily find a copy of the Night Watch novel at my local library so you might want to check there first.


This should be atleast in the top 15 list of IMDB. Its one unique movie i've ever come across. Hopefully the same casts are present for the 3rd installment.....


I loved these filmed, but I have alway enjoyed supernatural(esp Vampire) films tho.

I absolutely loved how original the storyline and plots are in these films are, and how they combine different forms of supernatural characters.

I think I'm going to buy the books next.

Does anyone know if these fimes are to be remade by Hollywood?

I would be worried if they were, maybe if Tarrentino got to direct them??!!!
Anybody have any opinions on this?!!!


Personally, I consider both to be about equal. What would you rate Night Watch then and what rating would you give Day Watch?
I saw them for the first time on DVD two years ago, rented from Netflix. I gave Night Watch 10 and Day Watch 7. I was just thinking about these movies earlier this week and looked them up on Amazon. I saw they had them on BD (Blu-ray Discs), so I ordered them. They arrived yesterday.

So I watched Night Watch yesterday and Day Watch just now. I have now changed my Day Watch rating to 10, as I liked both of them very much. I also understood them both better since I was not watching them for the first time. Both stories are quite complex, so I'm glad I bought them and even more glad I bought them on BD and not DVD.

In both of them I found the Russian fairly easy to understand most of the time, so I only glanced at the subtitles when they were talking too fast or just murmuring something under the breath. Whenever I looked at the subtitles while still understanding the spoken Russian, I was surprised how inexact the English translation was in many places and quite good in others.

My name is Colin Creevey
and I'm a photoholic.


So I watched Night Watch yesterday and Day Watch just now. I have now changed my Day Watch rating to 10, as I liked both of them very much. I also understood them both better since I was not watching them for the first time. Both stories are quite complex, so I'm glad I bought them and even more glad I bought them on BD and not DVD.

Yeah, that tends to happen. It happened to me on my first viewing. I agree that these movies improve on repeat viewings and I also agree with you that they are indeed complex and have depth.

My most recent rating for them is now a solid 8/10 stars. I'm glad that I'm coming across people besides myself who thoroughly understand and appreciate both of these films.

Peace out.
