
Hay guys,

Wikipedia is showing up a new Watch Book, called the New Watch, it has 2011 next to it... has anyone heard anything about the 5th book? As I cant find anything on Sergei's page.

Cheers for any information =)

Btw, did anyone think that the last watch was good? I felt it had a bit of a drab ending, with all the others who had withdrawn into the twilight wishing to be dead. It seemed that Nolan and Inception took a few ideas from it in my opinion, were the twilight is just a cheap mans world.
I just expected a bigger ending to the series, or at least that Arch... Also i felt that there was a chunk missing from the second section... Anton and Alisher left the restaurant, and headed to the demon mountain thing, and Anton just instantly knew that Edgar was a member of the Last Watch.. did anyone else that a section went missing in publishing? He was dozing in the back of a car that they suddenly posessed... all very weird!

America was not discovered by Americans - shame on them.


The book is now in the process of being written. The first part of it was recently published in the "New Myths of the Megapolis" almanac.

The page you mentioned - at least if it is the same I think about - isn't monitored by him regularly. Russian readers are used to get immediate news from his LiveJournal.


A NEW WATCH BOOK!!! Okay...I'm excited!! The books are one of my favorite series...can't wait for a new one :)

I'm a giddy pony-they feed me cupcakes because they taste of sunshine & happiness
