MovieChat Forums > Dnevnoy dozor (2007) Discussion > Don't watch sub titled version

Don't watch sub titled version

I must be an idiot. I watched the entire movie with English subtitles and that is a BIG problem. The subtitles only cover the first 5 or so words in any sentence so you have to guess what the rest of the sentences or additional sentences are. To my chagrin, I then found that you could watch the movie with dubbed in English. Even with the subtitle problem I could follow the "plot" fairly well so I don't understand all the criticism about how confusing it is and I don't believe I saw the original. I don't want to waste almost 3 hours watching it again so don't make the same mistake I did; watch it with the dubbed English version.


Yep,the subtitles are incomplete or simly inacurate.I remember watching Night Watch,the scene where Anton fights Andrey.And there was something like :

Andrey "Using live bait,pig?"
Anton "No bait.Just me." where is "No,just bread".

and i was like "WTF?!"

The next one was

Andrey "My teeth!" (screaming)
Anton "Sorry.",but he didn't say "Sorry".He said "Shut up." or "Shut your mouth,will ya?" or something like that.

Dunno 'bout the dubbed,but i am pretty sure lots of the Russian humour and culture are lost in translation.


Dude where the HELL did you get the English dubbed version of this movie?? I bought this movie during the Boxing Day Weekend sales at Best Buy and I have yet to watch it. I have Night Watch, and have watched the dubbed version, and its ok, but I'd also like to watch the sequel sometime. For me it just takes the joy out of watching a film, because instead of watching it, I'd be pausing and reading it every other minute or so. I was actually dissapointed when I bought the movie and found out that it was all in Russian with English subtitles. I have no problem with movies being in their own native tongue and all, because I welcome it, but this film is like 2hrs and 26mins long!!

How about a shave? I can guarantee the closest shave you'll ever know.


Got the DVD from Netflix. To watch the English dubbed version, just go to languages and select "English". I found that out after watching the dubbed version.




For me it just takes the joy out of watching a film, because instead of watching it, I'd be pausing and reading it every other minute or so.
Don't worry, watch a few more foreign language movies, and your reading speed will soon be up to scratch. There is NOTHING more annoying in a foreign film than a poor dub (and there is no such thing as a good one).



Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved?


Yes there is. Have you ever watched The Brotherhood of the Wolf; The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, where the dubbing in that is barely noticeable? I don't mind watching a foreign film dubbed, because I try not to read the lips too much, but more than watch the story unfold or whatever is happening. I hate making fun of myself, but I'm a slow reader lol

Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rolled around their shores... burning with the fires of Orc.



I was actually going to mention 'Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo' ( as a very, very rare exception. LOL

But one or two OK dubs do not outweigh the thousands of really bad ones. Even with the odd couple that are not atrocious, I still maintain you will get much more out of them in the original language.



Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved?


But one or two OK dubs do not outweigh the thousands of really bad ones. Even with the odd couple that are not atrocious, I still maintain you will get much more out of them in the original language.
Have you never watched any of the hundreds of 70's/80's Chinese martial arts movies?
Most of those would lose so much appeal if they had subtitles instead of dubbing!
Even Monkey (Saiyûki) wouldn't have had the impact it has had!
I'd even go as far as to say that their influence over western culture would be almost non-existent had they not been dubbed.



Have you never watched any of the hundreds of 70's/80's Chinese martial arts movies?
Not my favourite genre, but yes, I have seen many of them.
Most of those would lose so much appeal if they had subtitles instead of dubbing!
They would loose a little comedy appeal, but nothing else.
Even Monkey (Saiyûki) wouldn't have had the impact it has had!
I watched them dubbed when they were on TV, I now have them on DVD with the original audio, in my view they are far better and would rather watch my DVDs than the dubbed version on TV any day.
I'd even go as far as to say that their influence over western culture would be almost non-existent had they not been dubbed.
In this you are quite correct as at the time without a (bad) dub they would never have reached our shores, however if a distributor was brave enough to do so I still think the groundswell would have been huge, and they would be greatly loved by many.



Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved?


the version i watched seemed pretty accurate we watched it in russian class and our teacher would have said something


The thing is, I hate watching films dubbed, anyway. I noticed a difference between the cinema subtitles and the DVD ones, but I think the DVD was better. Some things probably did get lost but they couldn't have been that significant as I still enjoyed and got the movie.


I watched the subtitled version and had the same problem with only seeing part of the subtitles. The solution - and you may kick yourself for this - is to change the screen resolution on your TV. The subtitles are all there, but you won't see them if you watch in "fullscreen" mode.


i watched it with subtitles and had no problems. maybe i'm just smarter than the rest of you.


Some people will never like reading subtitles, whether they're well done or not. If dubbing is done right, it can be an improvement, but I'd generally rather get the feel of the original language and the gist in subtitles. As it is, I understand enough Russian to be able to follow it with the aid of the subtitles. Obviously that makes a big difference.

At least both options are available.

We report, you decide; but we decide what to report.



Well, I watched the movie at its world première in Berlin (I guess world premiere out of Russia..!) and the subtitles were in german. And they were very good! So if you know german.. go for it!

Great movie, by the way.


I have to say I prefer subtitles. I saw Night Watch subtitled and really enjoyed it. But I saw some of Day Watch dubbed and couldn't stand it. I don't know if the dubbing is more accurate than the subtitles, but it made me feel like the movie, characters, and plot was really stupid, even though I know if I saw it subtitled I would have enjoyed it.



Chances are the subtitles are more accurate than the dubbing, as they may say different things to fit with the movement of the lips.



really? im completely the other way round. i try to watch foreign films subbed when i can. the only copy i found of this was dubbed and it grated on me really bad. it's the bad attempts to capture colloquialisms and humor that just really don't work.

for anyone who watched the dubbed version: remember the part where alisa drives into the hotel? after she starts walking out she turns around and says, "hey. can i take the wheels?" maybe it's a little funny in russian but god, dubbed it just came out awkward. dunno. maybe it's a personal thing.


I prefer sub-titles, I have found them to be more accurate than dubbing (especially when you make sure the screen size allows you to see all of the writing) and after a few minutes, I don't even realize I'm reading anymore.

Voices not matching the mood or the actor throw me off, as well as when the words don't match the shapes that the mouths are making (which also makes me change channels when the video and audio from cable station broadcasts are off)


Well it sounds like you failed the test. Apparently you've never watched a foreign film, or you would know that after about 10 minutes, your brain starts to process reading the subtitles on a subconscious level. If your brain is working properly, you won't even notice that you're reading after a short while.


I'm a native Russian speaker, and I watched this movie twice with English subtitles. And both times I just wanted to yell STOP and explain to my friends what was really being said.

The subtitles in this movie often don't tell you what the characters are actually saying. Instead, they seem to take every opportunity to catch you up on the plot and hammer in the fact that there are two great others, the end of the world is nigh, etc. In reality, this is only mentioned once or twice in the dialog, but the subtitles make it seem like that's all they talk about.

So basically, whenever there's a joke, some character development, or just dialog for the sake of exposition, the subtitles will instead reiterate who the good and the bad guys are, and that things are gonna get wild. This makes it seem like you're watching a shallow action movie where it's all about the final showdown, whereas the real movie is much more touching and substantial.

And then there's just blatant mistranslations for whatever reason.

Galina's conversation with Anton when she pulls up to his house is almost entirely mistranslated. She wants him to get Yegor's hat from Day Watch. She's talking about Anton and trying to appeal to him as a parent, reminding him of his son's birthday, etc. I think the subtitles just had them arguing over nothing.

When Galina's body is being examined, there's an old woman who runs in screaming. The subtitles say something like "that's my neighbor!" Actually, the old woman is Galina's mother, and yells out "that's my daughter!" A minor difference?

When Alisa is telling Kostya about Galina's murder, she tells him "she had a neighbor" or something to that effect (in the subtitles). In Russian, she tells him that Galina had a daughter. She is appealing to Kostya's compassion. Lost in translation I guess! In fact there's a whole scene that's not in the English version where Alisa goes to Galina's house after the murder and meets her daughter. Emotional character development? Who needs it! There are Great Dark Ones about!

When Anton uses the chalk and Yegor appears and Anton is excited and cheering, the subtitles say something like "my son is here!" but really he's saying "it's my son's birthday!" (in literal Russian - my son is born). Subtle but...

There's a bunch of mistranslations about Kostya which I guess were made to simplify the plot. His father isn't trying to get Zavulon to make him human, just to make an exception so that he's not required to drink human blood. From what I understand, it's a system similar to a draft.

Anyway, you get the picture. I haven't seen the dubbed version, so I don't know whether they do any better. Still, it's a great movie despite the subtitles, and


They seemed to have corrected most of the errors mentioned above in the Blu-ray version.


yeah i just watched the blu ray version and nothing was wrong with any of the things you all mentioned.

Last Watched: Day Watch(Timur Bekmambetov) - 8.5/10


Did the blu ray version have regular subtitles or animated ones (like in Night Watch)?


A lot of the mistakes you are describing here are not present in the European English dubbed version. It also has the missing scenes you describe.

However, this doesnt stop the film from being monumentally bad.

Whoever decided to make this film murdered a pretty decent story in the process. If the film aped the part of the book it was adapted from, it would have been much more entertaining.

Note that this isnt really Daywatch, this is merely the secod story in the book "Nightwatch".


I've seen 280 films in their own language with English Subtitles but this one was better dubbed, even the avtors voices better matched the characters
Top 1000 Voter


yep usually I prefer subtitles but this + nightwatch (the previous film) the dubbing was superbly done, should be shown in film school as a lesson in how to dub films


Its strange how I got the balls to decide this! But once I tried both the guilt slightly slipped away!
Top 1000 Voter


I just watched this on IFC last night, not sure if it is the "fixed" Blu-Ray version or not. It was shown with subtitles, and as a person who works in video post-production I have to say that what they did with the sub-titling was awesome. They used different colors, moved the words around on screen, and when someone said "there's someone knocking on the door) the word "knocking" would shake to the sound of the knock. There were many other tricks they used that really impressed me. I usually prefer to watch movies with sub-titles and this one is almost a must-do.
