MovieChat Forums > Dnevnoy dozor (2007) Discussion > is there a part 3 or a spin-off?

is there a part 3 or a spin-off?

Bout to watch night watch & day watch tonight for the first time. Is it just these 2 filcks in the series.

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There were plans for a third part, but Fox turned it down in the end. Anyway, first two parts make a rounded up story arc, so you can watch them with no problem.


the third one planned was called.
"Sumerechniy Dozor" Dusk Watch or Twilight Watch

it was scheduled for 2009 i think.. but never made (so far).


Quoting from the other thread. maybe there will be a third movie :)

There is only one legitimate source in the Russian Internet that even lists the film, and that is KinoPoisk ("CinemaSearch"), a Russian film site similar to the IMDb. The film is still called "Sumerechnyy dozor" in Russian, after the original book, which can still be translated as either "Twilight Watch" or "Dusk Watch". It currently has a projected release date of 2015.

"Sumerechnyy dozor" on KinoPoisk:
