Dusk Watch (3rd movie)


does anyone know if the 3rd movie "Dusk Watch (or Twilight Watch)" is in production - or will ever be released? Will it be produced by Fox or Channel One Russia? I cannot find "up-to-date" info about this topic on the web?


P.S.: There was an imdb site for the third movie some time ago. But now it's gone?!


It is pretty much stale. The books' author (who was supposed to take part in script writing) tells no news about it in his blog... and given that he's quite thorough about his other projects, there's reason to believe that there won't be a third movie whatsoever. In short, Fox bought rights to *not* make it.


that's too bad... i would have liked to see it...


Speaking purely as someone who has watched the films in subtitled English with no knowledge of the books, i'd say that the end of Day Watch pretty much concludes the story. Anton re-writes history so none of it ever happens. i can't see how there's a story with the same characters.


I completely agree. Without a directors cut release that restricts the level of undo at the end of daywatch to something sane, like what Alisa wrote, then it's a complete storykiller, there's no room for another episode.

I'm not sure that I quite followed the rules for when the magic chalk did or didn't work. If it works for Zoar on a chalkboard, then what does the last standing wall do? it can only magnify the power, but I also figure that with any wish, a more powerful change has complications, which would be why Zoar was so modest with his wishes. But I'm not sure it's consistent.

I suspect if there was ever funding for a third and will to do it, they'd do a director's cut of the second to make it possible.


I gather that the chalk works in places where events that have to be changed took place. Zoar spends all his life in his shop, and all possible mistakes he'd ever want to fix would probably somehow revolve around that shop either. Anton wants to change something that started in the witch's house, so he has to return there (or at least to the last remaining wall) in order to rewrite it.


Just a few days ago, Lukyanenko said in an interview that there would be another movie based on the Watch series and it would be a Russian project. He didn't mention if it would be Dusk Watch or something else to be screened. He also thinks 20th Century Fox signed an agreement on Dusk Watch just to prevent anything from being filmed in Russia because Hollywood didn't want any more successful competitors after Night Watch and Day Watch, tee hee :))) prooflink in Russian if you care: http://vz.ru/news/2010/4/6/390413.html


Thank you for that information!



elachimjc, where are you from? Because I'm Russian and I can do a proper translation :)


Fox screws every set of great movies

This is the place where I'd be sucked straight to Hell- if I believed in Hell.



Here's a translation of the interview with author Sergey Lukyanenko. The original Russian is here: http://vz.ru/news/2010/4/6/390413.html.

Lukyanenko Will Write a Sequel to the "Watch" Films

The rights to the third installment of the "Watch" films have been returned to Russia from the USA, declared Sergey Lukyanenko, the author of the best selling "Watch" books, in an interview with "The View" magazine.

– Sergey, is it true that a third film based on your "Watch" books is planned?
– Absolutely. An interesting thing happened with the "Watch" films. The Americans were eventually given the rights, and there were plans of shooting a project with Channel One Russia. But then nothing happened. Now the American rights have expired, and we are starting a very interesting and unusual project. I won't reveal any information now, because I don't have permission. But I think that by this summer I'll be able to tell everyone everything in detail.

– Why didn't anything happen in the USA?
– When the films "Night Watch" and "Day Watch" became successful, 20th Century Fox suggested shooting a third film together. And a contract was signed with Channel One Russia. But years have passed, and nothing has been filmed. It seems that the Americans were not so interested in filming it themselves, as they were in seeing that Russians did not. That's because the first two films were very popular, and distracted movie goers from western productions.

– Are there any other film projects based on your books?
– Yes, a sci-fi mini-series is being filmed right now by one of our major television channels. It's based on the novel "Credo", which seems to me an interesting choice for a screen version. The script is being worked on now. I am one of the scriptwriters, along with Sergey and Marina Dyachenko, who are known for their work on "The Inhabited Island". I know them well, and called them in to work on the script with me.

– Your fans constantly ask if you are going to write more books in the "Watch" series, or was "The Last Watch" really the last?
– Since I'll need to write some new material for this film project, I plan to write the next book in the "Watch" series.

– And when will there be more of "The Restless".
– I think that I'll add to it this summer, and the book will be published in autumn.


Thanks very much for that translation, moth!

I wanted to comment on one thing that was said in the interview:

It seems that the Americans were not so interested in filming it themselves, as they were in seeing that Russians did not. That's because the first two films were very popular, and distracted movie goers from western productions.

As much as I love to hate Fox and agree that they screwed it up, I think Segey's opinion is tainted by his bitterness (understandably). I doubt it's Americans vs. Russians as he says. Big money knows no allegiance. If Fox thought they had a sensational moneymaker, they would have exploited it whether it was filmed in Russia, America or Ethiopia.

I bet it's more likely that Fox recognized the potential for a 3rd Watch film, but they weren't keen on the difficulty/expense/hassle of filming it in Russia when, instead, they could invest that money in an easier American or Canadian production. Suppose you're an American producer with $50 million. You could do either "Twilight Watch" in Moscow or you do "Hellboy 4" in LA. Thinking strictly as an investor, where would you put your money?


If Fox thought they had a sensational moneymaker, they would have exploited it whether it was filmed in Russia, America or Ethiopia.

You may be right. But what if Fox had already invested in other countless mediocre hollywood flicks which need to make a return?

Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.


It is coming out.... not sure about the name (Does it matter?)
Timor is waiting on some research work to be done so that he could make it for the world wide audience

I think he can do that very well after wanted B)


damn jackasses at fox. we'd have it already if not for them



I am american and not very fluent in Russian..but....from what i read....they are considering a 2013 Release for Dusk Watch.....xD yes its called Dusk Watch...because twilight is already spoken for....lolz xD anyways...IMDB may not have the exact release date..but i do...September of 2013 XD or sooner...



Still no movie :(


still no news?


The only sites in the Russian Internet that list a release date of September 2013 are torrent and illegal download sites. Those are really not the most reliable place to get information.

There is only one legitimate source in the Russian Internet that even lists the film, and that is KinoPoisk ("CinemaSearch"), a Russian film site similar to the IMDb. The film is still called "Sumerechnyy dozor" in Russian, after the original book, which can still be translated as either "Twilight Watch" or "Dusk Watch". It currently has a projected release date of 2015.

"Sumerechnyy dozor" on KinoPoisk: http://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/405643/.




Plot for the third Night Watch:


Among us live the Others. They are humans who can enter the Twilight (aka: The Gloom), a shadowy world that exists alongside our real world, and gain unnatural powers from it. As long as they are in the Twilight (Gloom), Others are drained of their life essence and may be consumed if they remain in it for too long. Others are made up of two distinct groups: the Light Others and Dark Others. A long time ago, the Light and Dark others fought a fierce battle in which neither side could win. In the end, both sides signed a Great Treaty: a set of laws which would govern them and the use of powers. Light Others created Night Watch, to ensure that the Dark Others wouldn't break the Treaty while Dark Others created Day Watch, to watch the Light Others as well. Both sides answer to the Inquisition—an organization which ensures that neither of the two sides become too powerful.

The book is separated into three parts:

Nobody's Time

In the year 2007 (re-written as if the previous books/films 'Night Watch' and 'Day Watch' never existed), Night Watch agent Anton Gorodetsky is assigned by Lord Gesser to investigate mysterious warning letters sent to both the Watches and the Inquisition. In the letters, a powerful Great Light Other promises a human that they will turn him into an 'Other', which the human deeply desires. However, as far as the Others are concerned this is impossible and as such, the Light Other is in danger because refusal to fulfill this human's request means that he or she will dematerialize in the Twilight. Anton is assigned the case and goes to the Assol, a rich area in Moscow where the letters came from. The Vampire Kostya Saushkin from the Day Watch has also been assigned to the case, along with Edgar and Vitezislav from the Inquisition. Anton discovers that the human is a 60-year old businessman, the son of Gesser. The four confront Gesser about making the promise to turn his son into an Other but Gesser denies even knowing his son was alive. It is then revealed that his son is a potential Other for whom Gesser claims the right to initiate. It is revealed later in the book that the witch, Arina, used the book of Fuaran to transform Gesser's son into an Other.

Nobody's Space

Anton joins his wife Svetlana (who left the Night Watch force), her mother, and their daughter (Nadya) on a vacation in the countryside. While there, he learns an incident where werewolves tried to attack two human children but who were saved by a mysterious woman living in the forest. Anton magically reads the older girl's memory, and notices that she saw a book titled "Fuaran" on the shelf. Anton can hardly believe it, as Fuaran is a legendary and extremely powerful artifact, believed to be lost ages ago or maybe never to have existed at all. According to stories, the book, written by an ancient witch (named Fuaran) contains a spell able to turn an ordinary human into an Other.

Anton finds the witch's cottage and the witch, Arina, who turns out to be Level 1 or higher, but not Fuaran. Instead, all Anton finds is a book about the legend of Fuaran which is co-authored by Arina. The book explains how Fauran discovered how to raise the power of an Other, and grant a human the powers of an Other. According to the book, the average magical temperature of the world was 97 degrees, while humans had a magical temperature of 97 or higher. Their warmth is fed into their surroundings, while the Others have a magical temperature under 97, and thus soak up the 'warmth' that surrounded them. The lower an Others magical temperature, the more they soaked up. Seventh level Others had a magical temperature of about 90, while Others without Classification were in the 40s. The rarest type of other is one who had no magical temperature at all, a Zero Other, whose power was near limitless due to the fact they only absorbed magic. After a talk with Svetlana, Anton discovers Nadya is an absolute Zero Other.

Later, as Anton is relaxing in a hammock, he opens his eyes to find Edgar (an Inquisitor) standing over him. Edgar explains to Anton that Arina was wanted for questioning. In turns out the witch played a major role in a joint Watch experiment to create the perfect socialist state in the 1920s in the then-days of the Soviet Union. Arina was meant to put a potion in the bread that, over time, would cause whoever ate it to fully believe in newly arising government. Instead, all the subjects were turned quickly to the cause, which lead to the downfall of the government and the death of nearly all the subjects, supposedly due to the Arina's intentional sabotage.

Confronted by Anton and Edgar, Arina dives into the fourth level of the twilight, where it takes time before the pair manage to follow her, only to find that she had escaped. Edgar and Anton return to the real world and decide that it would not be smart to search a Higher Others house, as Arina had proven herself to be. Having lost their target, the duo split ways, Edgar to get backup in order to find the witch and Anton to return to his family.

Once back home Sveta and Anton learn that while Sveta's mother was out in the forest with their daughter, her 'old friend' took their daughter for a walk. Sveta and Anton knew instantly it was Arina, and through magical means contacted her. The Inquisition had erected a dome to stop the witch from escaping, and she was holding Nadya hostage with demands that they find her a means to escape.

After Sveta sends out magical means to search for Nadya, which nearly blew Anton away, and discovers nothing, the werewolves, who had felt Sveta's power and were afraid she would come after them, showed up. It turned out to be a man in his twenties with three children. They admitted having seen where Arina took Nadya and agreed that as long as they were pardoned for hunting those children, they would help track down and fight Arina.

After a battle between Arina and a very angry Sveta, Nadya is saved, and with no deaths. Sveta, who traveled to Arina via the fifth level of the twilight, seemed changed, as though she had a new understanding on life. After forcing Arina to agree not to hurt any human or other unless in self-defense, Sveta agreed to help her find a means to leave.

Nobody's Power

Anton returns to Moscow in order to talk to Gesar, at which point Gesar received a phone call, asking him to go to the witches hut, where Anton had only just been. After traveling there with Anton through magical means, they meet Kostya, Edgar, Zabulon and Svetlana. Vitezoslav's ashes have been found in a hidden room with no indication of who could have killed him, except that it would have to be someone powerful, as Vitezoslav was a Higher Vampire. At first, they suspect Arina. However, it soon turns out that the Other who killed Vitezoslav and took the book is Kostya, who himself became a Higher Vampire after drinking a blood cocktail made from donors in order to raise a vampire to this max potential (a mix of blood from 12 donors). Originally, Vitezoslav found the book and phoned Edgar, who didn't believe the vampire had found the actual book of Fuaran. But Kostya wasn't convinced the book was a fake and joined Vitezoslav at the hut. The Inquisitor wanted to see if the book actually worked and tried it on Kostya, using his cocktail of a blood mixture made from 12 donors, increasing his powers exponentially, after which Kostya challenged Vitezoslav to a vampire duel. The loser of such a duel is ashed. His ultimate goal is to travel to the International Space Station and read the book while looking at the Earth from orbit (the spell of Fuaran works on everyone in the caster's range of sight), turning all humans into Others, so at last he will not be different from the rest. All but Kostya realize that this will be a disaster - "you step on someone's foot in a tram, he curses at you; now he can incinerate you." Also, what most Others do not realize is that it is, in fact, humans who emit magical energy. The Others absorb it more than they emit, allowing them to use it. The magic level of an Other depends on the absorb/emit ratio. There were several "zero" Others in history: Jesus (Yehoshua), Merlin, and Anton and Svetlana's daughter. Their power is nearly unlimited as all they do is absorb magic. If Kostya manages to turn all humans into Others, the amount of magic energy available will drastically decrease.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of "Fuaran" to Anton, he uses it on a human, turning him into a low-level Other. What neither Kostya nor Anton realized at the moment was that Anton was affected too - as he was standing right in front of Kostya - turning him into a mage without classification (Gesser/Zabulon/Sveta's level).Kostya makes it to the Baikonur Cosmodrome and mind-controls the humans there to suit him up for the rocket launch. Anton catches up and confronts him, with Gesar, Zabulon, and Edgar all linked to his mind, and feeding him energy from everyone they have the right to leach it from. Each is telling him to use a different destructive spell on the vampire. They realize that Kostya is not planning to steal a rocket, as not even the Higher Vampire is capable of launching a rocket into orbit by himself. He is instead planning to open a portal to the space station. As a precaution, he is still putting on a spacesuit. However, when Kostya was about to open the portal, Anton took all the energy channeled into him by Gesar, Zabulon, and Edgar and spent it to create a shield around himself in order to shield his thoughts from Kostya.

What Anton did not want the vampire to realize was that because Kostya was an Other, an Other without classification to boot, he would not be able to perform any magic in the vast emptiness of space. There would be no energy there from which he could draw on, in space he was separated from the source of all Others energy. Kostya, assuming the shield was put up because Anton was afraid and wanted to protect himself from harm, expressed his surprise at such an act of cowardice and opened the portal. Only when the vampire stepped through it did Anton relax - the threat was over. It takes thousands of calculations to put a rocket into orbit. He knew that Kostya could not possibly calculate the exact position of the station. The portal deposited Kostya into orbit, leaving him to float in his spacesuit, unable to perform any magic. He could not make a corrective teleport into the space station, he could not open a portal back to the planet. He could only remain in orbit as that orbit decayed and he ended up burning up in the atmosphere upon re-entry, along with the book.

With the death of Kostya and others in the recent past, The Day Watch in Moscow is down to one Higher Level Magician (Zavulon) while The Night watch in Moscow has four leaders (Gesar, Olga, Sveta, and Anton).


That was the plot/spoiler for the second Night Watch *book*. Which, at this point, wouldn't have anything to do with the movie even if the latter had a slightest chance to launch.

