Magic chalk

Goddamn, this movie was bad. I saw it when it came out and I hated it but after seeing "Night Watch" on cable the other day for the first time since it came out, I decided to rewatch "Day Watch", too. "Night Watch" is OK. Not good but not bad. "Day Watch", though, yeah. It was even worse than I remember because I had completely forgotten about the magic chalk ending that undoes every goddamn thing that happens in both movies. It's one of the worst endings I've ever seen. It's worse than "It was all just a dream" endings. Magic *beep* chalk. Goddamn. God *beep* damn.


The first was fair; lots of flaws but you sensed the producers were trying to create something just a little different. But this was just plain weird in parts. Granted they tried to inject a bit more humour in this episode, but it all seemed to build to a conclusion of lots of special FX, purely for the sake of special FX, without worrying too much about the storyline (what remained of it). As for the "magic chalk, I just wished Anton had got to the wall with it, about a half an hour earlier.🐭
