MovieChat Forums > Dnevnoy dozor (2007) Discussion > Awesome Effects Ruined By Sloppy Editing

Awesome Effects Ruined By Sloppy Editing

This movie has to be one of the few flicks out there that has some of the most jaw-dropping special effects I've ever seen (and many of which will leave you wondering how they even pulled them the car driving on the building didn't even look remotely like CGI) yet just about all the awesome effects are completely ruined by the sloppy editing and horrendous dialogue exchanges.

The screenplay was just a mess and coupled with all the quick-cuts and bad pacing, this movie's potential felt squandered.

Nevertheless, anyone who sticks around for the final 15 minutes will be well rewarded with a story that ties itself up nicely. I thought the Chalk angle was really creative but executed poorly throughout the entire thing, save for the ending.


The screenplay was just a mess and coupled with all the quick-cuts and bad pacing, this movie's potential felt squandered.
Even more so than the first IMO.
Nevertheless, anyone who sticks around for the final 15 minutes will be well rewarded with a story that ties itself up nicely.
I just thought the conclusion was an excuse for an orgy of special FX. Essentially there is no retribution for all the trouble caused by the Darkness, including the destruction of Moscow. The magic chalk is a cure all and everyone ends up being buddies again including Gesser and Zavulon. Huge cop out!🐭
