The 3rd Wife

In the movie you see Rebecca Romijn playing one of the 3 wives of the Mormon, but only ever in the background of shots. Is this some kind of red herring placed by the writer to throw the audience off of the scent? I kept waiting for some king of plot twist involviong her but it never happening.

Actually I thought it was kind of clever because it kept the climax unpredictable. I liked this movie, though it was quite complex to follow. LIke a good Elmore Leonard novel.


I didn't see her playing one of the wives. There was a blonde but it didn't look like her to me.


That was Jaime King, wasn't it?

grumble, moan, whinge etc.


Jamie King played Heather, the girl who James Marsden killed. Neither she nor Rebecca Romijn played one of the three wives. Watch the scene again.
