Soundtrack Music

I noticed that on the two soundtracks that are released for this show, that there are still some songs unreleased. Right now the only two songs that come to my mind are the acoustic track that's played when we first see Ichise walk in the streets with other people (at first it's Ichise on a white background, then wind blows, then other people fade into view). This song sounds similar to "Distortion of Outside the Door" on the soundtrack, but not as forboding.

Another song that's not on the soundtrack is played later on in the series. In the episode "Rogue 19: Heavenward". The song begins just after the altercation between Ichise and Sakimura, a little while after the group gets off the train. The music plays throughout their journey till the meet the Little Girl guide. Is there any reason why these songs weren't included on the soundtracks?
