MovieChat Forums > Tekunoraizu (2003) Discussion > recommendations along the lines of this

recommendations along the lines of this

i really liked texhnolyze and and also enjoy anime such as Blame! and comedy...
anyone have any other 'under the radar' type recommendations?


The series creator Yasuyuki Ueda previously made a dark anime called Serial Experiment: Lain. I've never seen it, but from what I've heard about it, it's profoundly dark. AN ambigous psychological trip. Google it and read some reviews before buying.



you could also try boogiepop phantom or even parania agent, but that's somewhat different.



Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade was really good, somewhat well known. Also, I would recommend almost anything from Satoshi Kon: Perfect Blue, Millenium Actress, ect.

I am the master...and the commander!


i would add:

and somewhat:

oh yes, and then ther's
fantastic planet
it's not japanese, it's czech ..from 70s
very, very good

but they're all different, really
tex is unique


I loved Texhnolyze so i got lain...watched the first six episodes but simply couldnt get into it.


Lain is dark, psychedelic, and frustrating. It dispenses with narrative conventions and chooses to tell some story in its own unique way. It's hard to get into because the visuals seem intent on distancing both Lain from reality and us from their reality. I think this was done intentionally, so you kinda don't "get into it" but merely experience it.

I'd recommend the other ABe/Ueda work which is Haibane Renmei. I always considered Lain, Haibane Renmei, and Texhnolyze a kind of spiritual trilogy on Earth (Lain), Heaven (Haibane Renmei), and hell (Texhnolyze).

As for animes like it, Evangelion is extremely dark and complex. As to where Texhnolyze is more of a slow grind, Eva starts out normal but then plunges into the 10th level of hell. Boogiepop Phantom is another good recommendation: Dark and very intriguing with a unique narrative structure. I'll also add Paranoia Agent.


Eva Yojimbo said:

"I'd recommend the other ABe/Ueda work which is Haibane Renmei. I always considered Lain, Haibane Renmei, and Texhnolyze a kind of spiritual trilogy on Earth (Lain), Heaven (Haibane Renmei), and hell (Texhnolyze)."

Wow, I'd never thought of that, and it's absolutely right!


Wow, I'd never thought of that, and it's absolutely right!

I don't think it was done intentionally, but the theme does seem to fit each.

Last Films Seen:
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