Dark side of humanity

I heard that there is a love scene that turns violent in the first episode. Is it graphic? Does it get worse later in the series, as far as nudity and violence? I had heard that this was ABe's darkest look at humanity.



Thanks, I love all of ABe's work, when is he going to release something new?



what is with all these deleted posts. As far as nudity and sexuality goes, most of it is implied. But there is a lot...in the middle of the series thereis a character who suffers from homosexual abuse from his incestuous father...a very weird plot device in IMHO. But nonetheless it doesn't take away from the stark beauty of this masterpiece.


+1 to what mrbeeshee said. Texhnolyze does have alot of sexual content (less actual nudity, a few breast shots of Doc), but it's done in a fairly minimal, artistic way. It's not gratuitous in the least bit. Such as the first episode which mostly just shows shots of a girl writhing in a kind of sexual manner with "heavy breathing" happening, but you don't see anything.


Well, it defines Toyama's motives and what drives him, he just wants to survive and is prepared to do anything he's told. His father, an apparent authority in his life, can control him - and so do other parties. The way he was touched (it seems his butt was a hot spot) by people and how passively he reacted to it seems to support my theory :)

I am a bit surprised that people are more worried about nudity and sexuality over violence. They're all human qualities, we're all nude, most of us are sexual but well... you _can_ live without violence - and more happily I might add.



The most you see is a bit of a tit in a few episodes. On the other hand, the series is very sexual (incest, rape, homosexuality) and violent.
