MovieChat Forums > Tekunoraizu (2003) Discussion > Homage to Space Odyssey

Homage to Space Odyssey

episode three contains an homage to 2001 space odyssey, after ichise opens his eyes on the table from after his surgery, doc is eating her dinner, and she spills her wine glass, just like the final scene from 2001. the most obvious interpretation, i think, is that doc has now transcending the final frontier for the human race - texhnolyzing who will later become the last man on earth. this symbolizes just like in 2001 how man's tools and technology has finally caught up to them. did anyone else catch this? what do you all think?



Not that it looks like anyone is following this thread, but as it recently dawned on me as I walked to my car after work today (a lousy pen-pusher internship, but it pays mah tuition) that the producers of Texhnolyze nod towards another well-known film. The scene in which Yoshi executes the pimp in the beginning of the series is a definite homage to the scene where Al Pacino makes his first mob hit in the restroom of the Italian restaurant. In both scenes, a train drowns out the noise of the slaughter; and in both scenes, an unarmed man is executed. Just a thought!
