Things They Left Out

I'm watching the series on AMC. Tonight's episode dealt with the building of the railroad and Chivington's massacre(and *beep*

Things they left out, due to censors, or to make the show more palatable:

Chinese were expendable. They used to send them up to plant the dynamite because their hands were smaller. Sometimes, they'd blow the dynamite early on purpose, killing the Chinese. After all, they were just Chinese, weren't they?

Chivington's massacre/ *beep* The soldiers were half drunk, and not only did they rape the savages, but they cut off body parts of the Native men and women and wore them. For instance, women's breasts on their hats, penises on the ends of their rifles. Word got back east about this, and stirred up some outrage.


I would say those were probably left out due to concerns over ad revenues. I mean who is going to want to pay for advertising if they showed that stuff. You got to remember that this miniseries was originally produced for TNT.

I would like to know that they did kind of show the boss's uncaring view towards the Chinese workers. They just didn't show them killing them because they were expendable.
