Alternate ending

I got the R2 DVD release from The deleted scenes include an alternate ending. When the cop shoots Elizabeth, he hits her in her torso, not her arm. It's clear she's mortally wounded. Bobbi runs out of the room, as Sam supports Elizabeth. He says, "Hold on, babe, I'm coming," and shoots himself in the head. Bobbi runs outside and finds Stephanie holding her Blackberry (or video game or whatever that is) and looking into the distance. She says, "I saw something bad." The two survivors walk away together.

At first I said, "Naaah." Then I decided I kinda liked this ending after all.

Next time you see me, it won't be me


Nobody seen this on DVD??

Copies are available on eBay, and

Next time you see me, it won't be me


To be honest, I wouldn't want to buy it on DVD. It was a terrible film.



Next time you see me, it won't be me


the ending ruined the movie so i kinda like the sound of the alternate ending.


I think this ending would have been better.
Or at least kill the little girl as these people were animals after all with no consience.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


That was the whole point, to let the little girl live a tortured existence with memories of such sadism the rest of her life. Twisted for sure, but the reason why the woman found it so romantic.

Some fellows get credit for being conservative when they are only stupid.
- Kin Hubbard


Gah, see I've seen that ending many times before. To me, the degree of control that Sam and Elizabeth had on the events prior was so strong, that for them to just give up that quick ("Hold on Babe, I'm coming") just doesn't go with their characters. I dunno, I just liked the original ending to this, it was weird, controversial, and made me think a lot more than the alternate ending.

This coke just doesn't taste the same anymore...


I especially liked how the junkie, after emerging from the police station, casually walked around without a care in the world. And after she found the girl, they just stood their looking into the sky.

I know if I had to killers chasing me, I'd meander about.


How'd you do the mean spoiler stuff?

“People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Isaac Asimov



One of the things I noticed in the movie is the way she jerks after being shot was not consistent with being shot in the arm. So in that aspect i like the alternate ending. However when she just walked out all calm that ruined it.



Down here in region 4 land there were no extra features on the DVD so reading this was a surprise to me but nice to visualise. As with all 'splatter movies' there will always be different ideas about how they should end. This I think is to satisfy each person's need for more or less violence/redemption/closure or whatever. It would have been nice to see the alternate but all this industry restrictive region s**t meant I missed out.

When I saw the movie really I just wanted it to end, drawn in by the 'name'. I sat through what was a horrific inditement of society where none but the child was a sympathetic character, no hope portrayed and we were all 'entertained'?


yea im in the same boat as cranialsi, region 4 dvd has no deleted scenes. and yea it seems that not everybody can agree how these types of movies should end.

i think the theatrical ending is more effective. even thought i havnt seen the alternate ending i struggle to believe pullams character would kill himself.


I'm glad you posted that ending. I watched the movie on Netflix and missed it. Thanks!


i did see the alternate ending but have two questions about it.
why did the girl say i saw something bad or whatever?
why did they show a picture of the sky on that tv thing?
