The cops were terrible

They made me so angry, but honestly when French Stewart mounted Hugh Dillon and kissed his bald head (twice), I had to give him some credit for having good taste. ;-)



it worked very well (the Stewart abuse scene) for me because they initially showed Jack as the abusive cop (in the initial scene where they do their routine) and i kind of assumed Stewart was not as disturbed and just going along.
then he kissed the guys head and made a snow angel with him.

"the Dude abides"


i sort of blamed the cops for their deaths.

for shooting out their tires and leaving them helpless


As a cop, I could completely deal with the negative portrayal in the movie. No problem. My problem was they were so stereotypical and one dimensional, it was ridiculous. The overexuberant rookie, the on-edge gruff veteran who has a problem with rank, the calm collected captain holding them all together. Lame. Get an imagination, please.

Also, the facial hair. You can't get away with having a full-on mountain man beard in uniform. Sorry, no.

I've fought off angels with my hands behind my back - I've set the heavens all afire.


Agreed, the cops were completely unbelievable....


The cops in this movie were less convincing and stupider than the ones in Super Troopers.



LMAO Super Troopers...
