Dish Upon a Star

Dish Upon a Star
When you dish upon a star, makes a difference who you are...
Monday, March 01, 2010
Where Was My Invitation?
So much going on these days. Let's start with my feelings of betrayal. Falling for Grace premiered in NYC last week and where was Dish? NOT HYSTERICALLY POPPING ALTOIDS AT THE SIGHT OF GALE HAROLD who walked the red carpet. It could have been the nervous breakdown of my dreams but I sat at my desk, whipping TG into shape and checking off my list of tasks.

The one thing that's cheered me up: Our President and former President Bill Clinton supposedly took the time out of their busy schedules to call Tiger Woods and lend their support while he's in sex and Ambien rehab. This touched my heart as nothing else could. I wonder if Roger Clemens got the same phone call when his career went down the toilet over his steroid use and lying in court. Is sex more phone-worthy than drugs? Tiger upped the ante by combining sex and drugs--which is salacious and fun! I think we can do better and combine: sex, drugs, and a good pounding of the face.

So, Dish has given up on Jersey (Herpes) Sore after 50 minutes. Too much vomiting for me. Speaking of which, Leno is back on The Tonight Show this evening.

Positive note: I applaud Desperate Housewives for going the lesbian route last night, which is unexpected in a female-focused show. Dana Delaney didn't fall for the handywoman with a crew cut. She fell for the ex-stripper who spilled champagne on her bra. I'm not complaining since it's the most fun I had since Gale Harold's short tenure on DH. Full circle.
Posted by Dish Upon a Star at 5:36 PM
