This is obviously a prequel!!!!

In the sense that Windstruck mirrors the girl's past in MSG. The Director is trying to display the types, forms, facets, complications behind love; so details of mentioned events and character changes do not matter. MSG showed only a glimpse of the girl's past and the reason behind her guilt of loving a new man. Windstruck shows the events that would mold the or a girl that is to be in MSG. Doesnt watching Windstruck elaborate the girl's charcter in MSG? Think of windstruck and MSG as a sort of converging world where the type of love is the only thing that links to the movies. Looking at it this way complements the two movies perfectly.


that sure is pushing it too far ... ;)

it's a different film with no connections at all to MSG ... other than having the same female lead, director and a cameo by the male lead in MSG ...



here a bit of trivia, in the beginning of MSG, the guy sees this girl in red walking by the shop and he gets up to go after her before the phone rings (* she s Jun Ji Hyeon btw ), the same girl appears the 1st time he goes to jail. (suppose to be the girl in windstruck)...same girl walks into the police station after he is released from jail and in Windstruck shes a police woman
kewl huh! this director should get an award for being subtle in linking all his films together. Ever noticed that in all his films, The Classic,MSG, and WIndstruck, he uses pretty much piano music scores and always 1 oldie English song to spice up things. If u listen to all the OSTs, they sound a little alike.


Yeah I think the director is thematically linking the films, and is also maybe saying that there are many possible futures for all of us...


Windstruck is simply capitalizing on the success of My Sassy Girl.


It's obvious that the director made some 'unsubtle' themes that would link the two movies to each-other, thematically and character-driven as-well.

After all, he's the same director, and yes, he has tried to capitalize with this movie on the success of MSG and Ji-Hyun's quick rise to a mega-star. Since the formula for the dominating sass good hearted physically abusive female star seems to work so well, and since Ji-Hyun wins by default, might as-well use her. However, to say that it's a prequel is really pushing the envelope of logical and basic movie continuity. Too many aspects and points will have to be ignored, while some flat out stretched to the limit of the disbelief.

For example, the Girl Geyon-Wu met in MSG is at least 3-4 years younger than the Yeo-GeyonJin character, literally and physically, she's younger (college student.) Seeing how this movie supposed to a prequel, reverse chronology should suggest that the Girl in Windstruck needs to be a whole lot younger than the girl in MSG. Also, no sister was mentioned in My Sassy Girl. Also, it is hinted that the Boyfriend who died in My-Sassy girl had a water related death, while the supposed boyfriend in Windstruck is killed by a gun-shot. Go-Meyong-Wu is not as submissive as the dead boyfriend described in My-Sassy girl. And this is just to start, there are a few more...

Then again, the link is purposely made by the director. One, the character of the girl, yes, with the right continuity and make up, could easily be regarded as her earlier younger self version. And while the guy in My Sassy girl's name is Geyon-Wu, in Windstruck the guy's name is Meyong-Wu (of course you'll have to ignore that his actual surname is 'Go'/'Ko')- The fact that a boyfriend dies and she meets another towards the end that supposedly carries the spirit and heart of the first boyfriend is no coincidence; mostly likely a pseudo-prequel link for 'what-if' wondering by the audience. And of course, finishing off that notion with cherry on-top by having the Original actor from MSG as cameo to reprise his act of saving her from the sub-way with the same facial expression. Then of-course, she realizes, he's the one that her dead-boyfriend points to by saying can you feel it..

So yes, links are obviously made, and it's a nice fantastic touch, but in actuality, not a prequel.

You should check these threads, there is one with a nice Youtube link. The person matched up the ending sequence of Windstruck with the beginning of MSG musically and sequentially so that MSG initial meet with the girl perfectly matches the guy saving the girl at the end of Windstruck. And the brilliant part about this that it was untouched video, un-edited, just played out sequentially, and match perfectly by on-screen context. Very likely that the director constructed this that way.


This is obviously a sequel, I'd say. If you allow that the Girl in MSG was the dead twin, it all fits in nicely: the age, the photos on the piano, the meeting on train station, etc. Her new b/f even says in the end "Her name is such and such, I can't even beleive I am calling her by this name" - because in MSG, he didn't use the name at all.


uh.. thats really reaching... but while the films are simalar in theme, it makes no sense that it would be a prequel, none whatsoever.

sometimes laughing, crying felt the same
lying, being honest were the same
