Awesome experience (Spoilers)

I watched the film last night and was completely mesmerized by it and I am still thinking what made this way over the top movie tick?

One answer is possibly superb technical work. Films coming out of Korea these days are too slick, these guys are getting something right. It is not just the technical quality but a lot of detailing and creative ideas are going into minor matters. The camera relentlessly pursues the characters, innovative angles, virtuoso editing, beautiful sense of composition - I could go on and on but you get the idea.

The story itself, while quite trite had a big twist to it. Usually a tragic story ends with the death of one of the lovers or protagonists. In this case, the character dies in the middle. So, the film glides over the tragic part and sort of becomes an exhilarating study of coping with sorrow.

Perhaps the biggest asset of this film is the adorable Jeon Ji-Hyun. In my opinion she carries the film. It is yet to be seen whether she can carry more subtle and deep themes, but in this case, her vibrant energy gives a whole new lift to the film. You can not help but want her to live, be happy.

I disagree that the second part of the film was not as great. I feel that was the best part of the movie. Tragedy is part of life and we have different ways to deal with it. Some succumb to it (suicide solution), some gradually recover, some become broken and scarred forever in life, some indulge in high risk behavior to mitigate the guilt, some quickly overcome tragedy and embrace life. The brilliance of the second part of the film is that all these different options are beautifully examined without making the difficult options to overwhelming or the easy options too cheesy.

This could be a whole new genre in the making. We will see.


sorry but the second part lagged for me. The editing could've been much better particularly on the second half. Most of it was predictable and i thought the best parts of the story was in the beginning. Alot of the later scenes seem to drag and i would've like to be surprised or even mesmerized by some scenes but some of the shots were just distracting. And the ending... with Cha Tae hyun... Oh God, what shall i say about that? CHEAP TRICK! If you want examples for the above mentioned vague comments.. i will gladly give them.

out of ten stars i give it a 5.5 for effort. It would've been a 6 if the ending was better but the whole my sassy girl thing at the end just crucified the movie for me.

There were a couple of highlights and i do like the director's writing. It had very similar dialogue to my sassy girl which i thoroughly enjoyed. and OF COURSE...I loved Jun ji hyun's acting.. even tho she is a model. The other guy was... eh, just a name... although his name escapes me right now.


many people got dissapointed with the scene with Cha Tae-hyun because they
always incorporate My Sassy Girl with Windstruck, which shoud NOT be!
Windstruck is NOT a prequel... try watching it it without MSG in mind.
I watched it without even thinking my sassy girl, because if i do, then it will spoil windstruck from the beginning, coz i know she'll meet gyun-woo (Cha Tae-hyn) in the end, and his boyfriend will die.
the director just followed the success of my sassy girl but it definitely has nothing to do with MSG. it is a different movie!!!
i also like the 2nd half of the story as well as the 1st.the aerial shots are awesome as if it is an advertisement for a cigar or an airline company or a car. ^_^.. the the musical sore... oh i can feel the wind.


you have to admit, though, that windstruck kind of leaves off where my sassy girl begins.

remember? the girls boyfriend in my sassy girl had died just like kyunjin in windstruck. i mean it ended with her at the subway standing near the same lead actor from my sassy girl.

so this movie certainly seems like a prequel. the thing is that my sassy girl was based on real people. the guy that wrote it. windstruck wasnt.

it would be interesting to watch windstruck first and then my sassy girl. dont you think?

Is this your homework Larry?
