Two Questions...with of course, spoilers...


How did she lose her leg?

Why was Randall hitting her? I thought she said something about him trying to protect her because of her stepfathers abuse.

I'm confused.

It kind of bums me out that Lisa didn't show up at the dance studio (Frank couldn't find her) which means if Steve hadn't of gotten into a car accident, she wouldn't have been there anyway.

I'm glad that I came to this board a few days ago before watching the movie or I would have been even more confused at seeing "Donkey Lips" from Salute Your Shorts in the movie at the age of 12 when I know for a fact he's much older than that now. Since those flashback scenes were shot 15 years ago it all makes sense now.


Saw this movie 3/31/06....I assumed she lost the leg to the prop on her step-fathers boat...the hitting is just the classic case of the abused becoming the abuser later in life


I just saw the movie last night and neither answer was completly explained in the movie.

"How did she lose her leg?"

As the other poster assumed, I also assumed. She lost her leg to the propellor of the boat while being chased by her step father. She never stated this, specifically, but she did say that she almost drowned when she was being chased.

"Why was Randall hitting her? I thought she said something about him trying to protect her because of her stepfathers abuse."

Once again, never explained but, I assumed that Randall felt responsible for the loss of her leg. He therefore 'protected' her. His protection included the beating her. (I understand how this is not protection but, in his and her mind, it could be seen as such. Often, victims of violence sympathize with those that abuse them. This is not to say that such violence should ever be condoned.)


Thank you both for answering my questions. Much appreciated. It all makes a little more sense now.


hahaha...i knew i recognized that kid from somewhere...donkey lips. i loved that show.

and i really liked the movie...thought i should say something about it. and yeah i think randall beat her because he thought he had to protect her, but i'm not sure what he wanted to protect her from.


i think her leg got run over by the boat when the step father pushed them out of the boat.

that guy kept hitting her probably cuz when hes angry he doesnt know how to let it out probably and just hits anyone who gets in the way.. who im guessing was meredith.

<3 maryntedLOVER
