Black Lab Music

Anyone know where I can download the Black Lab songs from this movie including "Perfect Girl", "Lonely Boy", and "Weightless".

Limewire doesn't have them! Oh and I mean free... not on itunes

Any info is helpful! Thanks!


Oh and I mean free... not on itunes


I'm sure the band thanks you for wanting to rip them off in public. An independent band, struggling to make music and get it out to people, and then they want to rip them off. What incentive do they have to keep writing songs? Certainly not the massive $$ they made from such a large budgeted project like 'Lovewrecked' (sarcasm).


well some people might not have enough money and they should get a chance to enjoy music

~~But don't be thinking of me, because even your fantasy of me, isn't interested in you~~


So what you're saying is that if someone doesn't have $2.97, they should be able to steal. That's a great philosophy. Hopefully that doesn't apply to clothing and cars as well.

It's one thing to steal from established acts that have made a lot of money via touring and licensing, it's another to steal from a tiny indie band that has to bankroll their operation themselves. It's also yet another thing and extremely ballsy to ask for links or locations of free (i.e. stolen) material on a public forum where many others would see locations and then also steal the songs.


why would you pay money if you can get it for free
cmon everybody does it

if people could get free clothes or food they would do it too

~~But don't be thinking of me, because even your fantasy of me, isn't interested in you~~


I got weightless such a good song

~~But don't be thinking of me, because even your fantasy of me, isn't interested in you~~


Hey guys!!! I got the music of Black Lab from the Sounstrack. Big Kiss!

Black Lab - Perfect Girl (Main title)

Black Lab - Lonely Boy

Black Lab - Broken Hearted

Black Lab - Weightless


thank you X A BILLION!
