Dr Who reference?

Was watching the DVD last night and I could swear that as DI Peter Carlisle [my new crush, David Tennant] was crossing the road in one scene, there was a store front behind him selling 'Dr Who' products/memorabilia etc. It was very quick, and - given that 'Blackpool' was made it '04, it would probably not have been deliberate. But, given later events, it is cute!
The question is, did I only imagine it??


You are right, he walks past the Doctor Who Museum which is on Blackpool's Golden Mile which was also holding the Doctor Who exhibition at that time (I think!) It's a lovely moment isn't it. Watching Blackpool on tv at the time I remember thinking it was a very good 'subtle' reminder that the BBC was bringing back Doctor Who, but as you say, little did we know that David Tennant would soon be the Doctor!


You have excellent taste, AnaR!!! Lol I am rather obsessed with the good Doctor right now- join www.david-tennant.net- You'll feel right at home!!
"Eliza! Where the devil are my slippers?"


what scene is this?? I wanna see! thats bloody adorable


"To know about the Giggle Loop is to become part of the Giggle Loop"


There is another prophetic moment too. The bit where he asks Natalie if he can hold her hand, he kind of holds his hand out and waggles his fingers, just like he later does in to Rose at the end of The Christmas Invasion. I think its the other hand mind you, but still.
Not that I'm obsessed or anything . Teehee.


I spotted this when watching it for the first time and we paused it and just stared at the genius of it for a while. I think it should go on the trivia page here, because it is a beautiful of what is to come for David Tennant.


it happens just before he goes to see natilie in that cafe and they sing secrets that u keep, i think! that exhibition is still there i think, or it was wen i was in blackpool last month.


I went the other day, it still exists :D
I thought those little signs were quite freaky at first! I was like, OMG it's a doctor who thing!!!

Rose: I love you.
Doctor: Quite right too.
Lovin David 4 life lol


awesome! finally found it :D I made screencaps of it!



"To know about the Giggle Loop is to become part of the Giggle Loop"


thats is so funny! how ironic!

harrietta_moonriver, who are you on the david-tennant.net forum??? i'm riterchick...


Sarah Parish is in the Christmas special this year. She plays an evil alien.


I was in Blackpool when they were filming this judging by the dates. How annoying is it that i never saw them!!!!!


just a thought - according to david's imdb thingy, which i was just looking at, he actually did a voice for an animated episode of doctor who in 2003. do you think it started off as an in joke and accidentally became a large and weird reference? or am i reading too much into this :P


It's quite possibly an in-joke...David Tennant is absolutely obssessed with Doctor Who. If you read interviews with him and stuff, he can name producers and directors and writers and guest stars and everything. I doubt it had anything to do with him doing the animated episode, but his interviews always say the reason he became an actor was because when he was little, he wanted to play the Doctor...^_^


Yeah he did an animated episode where richard e grant was the doctor called scream of the shalka he played the caretaker you can watch some of the episodes on line sorry forgot the website but he's not in the episodes that are there i don't think
Not fair.


apparently when he was 12 he wrote an essay about how he wanted to be dr who when he grew up :)

Sidekick and proud.
"If we save ourselves, who's gonna save everyone else?"


I caught that too! LOL Coincidence?

