MovieChat Forums > Firewall (2006) Discussion > WHOSE UR FAV. CHARACTER


hey people,
im just curious about what character was liked by everyone?

If you have a favorite character please explain/tell me why u like that character....




I liked Vel, he was cute but so naive I wanted to give him a slap round the ear and give him a hint not to piss off the Boss when he's armed and you're not.


ahahahahahahahah good 1. wat did u like about the movie the most?


Watching Kett Turton! No, let's try and be more constructive here... a lot of people disagree with this but I liked the fact that none of the family was killed or badly harmed. Maybe Cox could have been about to kill one of them when he was stopped, just to put the drama level up a little.


Bill Cox was the best character by far. Truly the only thing I really liked about this movie was him.
I think he should've killed one of the kids though. It would've made him more believable. I mean... he shot two men from his crew, but not one of the family-members? Come on...



He could have been about to kill one of the kids when he was stopped, would that be a good compromise? I agree someone as bad as that would have harmed one of the family, it's just a relief that he never had to. Cox was a good villain but it's very rarely Paul Bettany turns in a bad performance.


mine are Pim and Vel. Vince Vieluf is a pure freakin genius. hot and hysterical in every movie. plus i love how hes an evil bad-ass dude. hes hot when hes evil especially when near the part where he dies, when the girl is hiding in that shed, hes like, "Where you at, sweetie? Wanna play? Marco. Polo". oh, that was funny. oh yeah, and Vel, cant 4get him. yes, he was naive. but very good-hearted. he wasnt meant for that job, and especially not meant to die. but at the one scene, when theyre all in the kitchen, and the phone rings, the kid tries to pick it up, then Vel and Pim get up. well, when Vel had his hand over the kid's mouth and when he falls, doesnt it look like Vel landed on his elbow the wrong way. look at his facial expression. and Vince Vieluf should definately be a villain in more movies




Definitely Pim. I love Vince Vieluf. He's so bad ass in this movie. I mean, usually you see his funny side in "Grind" and "Rat Race", but he was SO good in this movie. He is a pure genius (as Captain Werewolf said) and he's funny, too.

He said, "Son, when you grow up, will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned?"


But he did harm the boy with tricking him to eat the cookie. That showed he was capable of killing them. Plus he killed Harry.


Cox - I just like soft-spoken on-the-edge bad guys, and I think Bettany acted his part pretty well...
And Vel - The villain who is really too soft-hearted to be a villain. Eventually this betrays him because he ends up dying in favour of a redeeming action at the hands of the cold-blooded Cox. Aww.

**purdy teefs** :B


I like Cox. Just because he's so calm as he kidnaps and robs a whole family... ;D

He said, "Son, when you grow up, will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned?"


Captain Werewolf's right, Vince Vieluf should play more villain roles... I wrote this script for him to read (because I talk to him online... :D). He is really bad-ass and then he turns kinda sweet and a softie.

He said, "Son, when you grow up, will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned?"



Vel and Cox.

Vel, because he was so naive and you could tell right away, after the first 20 or so minutes, he wanted out. You just kind of had to feel sorry for him. Plus, he had a really cute face. XD

Cox because, dude (Californian) this is Paul Bettany here! He's gotta be good. OK, I'll admit, I'm in love with the man, but I thought he was good. I just kind of thought his performance would've been better if he HAD shot someone in the family, besides Willy and I think Vel. Though at first, when we saw him, I was like, "Where's his accent?! WTF?!" Though he was awesome when he got into the car and was, "She has beautiful eyes, your daughter." That was like the best part, besides the car blowing up. ^^

So yes, I LOVED Vel and Cox.


Paul Bettany. He's not my favorite actor by any means, but he carried the movie. Harrison Ford has never had any acting talent, and just isn't capable of showing emotion. He can't do comedy or drama. Best he can do is expressionless action hero. And we all know that the guys who do nothing but action hero, can't act.


My favourite character was Jack.


Rusty, closely followed by Janet.🐭
