More matches for the DVD

The Rock vs Mankind for the WWF Title
Booker T vs Scott Steiner for the U.S. and WCW Titles
Booker T vs Buff Bagwell for the WCW Title (from Raw at the start of the "Invasion")

Are there anymore matches that should have been on the DVD?
Let me know please

Of course that's only my opinion...and I could be wrong


Unfortunately no(unless there's an easter egg)

I found the matches intriguing contrasting the 2 shows and the announcers.

The announcers on Raw were energetic and enthusiastic.

Nitro they seemed very bored.

Your making the mistake of thinking your more important than you actually are.


What I meant was that these that I mentioned and more maybe should have been added to the disc (or possibly made into a 2 disc set)

Of course that's only my opinion...and I could be wrong


They should re-release the DVD like they did with Mick Foleys with an extra disc or in this case since Monday Night War was a single disc they should release 2 extra discs with matches, promos, interviews etc...

They should include parts of the shows where there were the most viewers, when the audience switched over to the other program in large numbers and significant events/matches.

Obviously the Rock VS Mankind match.

nWo impersonating the 4 horseman.

The Arn Anderson speech and Ric Flair return in it's entirety.

The Ultimate Warriors return and speech.

The Rock, Mick Foley and 2 Cool VS DX and The Radicalz which had an 8.1 rating which is the highest in RAW history I believe.

Steiners shoot promo on Ric Flair in early 2000.

X-Pac debuting for DX and his speech.

Goldberg VS The Giant

Steve Austin VS Ken Shamrock

Bret Harts first appearence on Nitro

And plenty more.


The X-Pac speech was awesome, but it should be shown with the context of what Hogan said to Nash on Thunder.

"It's not about money.... It's about sending a Message..... Everything Burns!!!"
