Huge mistake

Okay, if Frank is an informant to the FBI, what if the FBI gave Sullivan that envelope? I mean it was sitting on top of his desk( yes under a whole bunch of crap ). Now obviously the movie explains everything but if you were to look at it how the movie directs us Mr Costigan shouldn't have just ran out of the office. Yes I know reading to much into it but to have this be Marty's Oscar win when he has Goodfellas, Raging Bull and Taxi Driver under his belt still eats at me. Truth be told I thought Gangs of New York was more deserving.


Why would Frank have given it to the FBI?


The envelope had nothing to do with the FBI or Costello being an informant. The envelope contained the info on his crew, that he gave to Sullivan, so he could research the members of his crew to see if he could figure out who the rat was. The FBI was not involved at all. Just Costello and Sullivan.



that is correct


I agree about this not really deserving best picture and best director. It was just the standard we are sorry we didn't give you an Oscar earlier. The academy hasn't always made the best decisions. Like Stanley Kubrick winning nothing but best special effects. Most every film maker from my childhood (born in 1986) owes their filming techniques to Stanley Kubrick who is considered by many to be one of the best film makers of all time. Then again they also didn't give Al Pacino an Oscar til Scent of a woman or Morgan Freeman an Oscar til Million Dollar Baby.

1, 2 Freddy's coming for you. 3, 4 better lock your door.
