Terrible movie

I had the "wonderful oppurtunity" to view this film last night and it was godawful. I am a fan of Dave Barry's writing and I ask any Dave Barry fan to PLEASE stay away from this horrible abomination of a motion picture, this could ruin Barry's work forever. Seriously, it was like a really badly done TV pilot and I hope to God that it has the same fate as most pilots.
Honestly, after watching this film I believe that the prisoners at Abu Ghraib have no right to complain about torture--they have not had to experience this pile of trash.


I have no idea what this person is talking about. I was in the same audience, the room was filled to overflowing and in spite of some weird sound problems that seemed to be more with the theater than the movie, because I had seen movies there before, what I experienced truly WAS a wonderful opportunity. Two thousand people all really enjoying themselves, minus maybe one, couldn't be all wrong. The movie was funny and fresh and different. I saw couples everywhere, elbowing each other and saying "this is you!" I thought Dan Marino was excellent, and John Cleese was brilliant as always, and Carlos Ponce, who I had never heard of, was fabulous. When someone is as negative about something as frosteey is, I usually get a little suspicious about some other agenda they might be having. I thought the movie was fun and insightful, and so did everyone around me.

Oh and P.S. - anyone who would make a joke or any other kind of comparison to what happened at Abu Ghraib, that really says a lot about what kind of person they are. I hope we never meet.


Interesting...now for a third take on the movie...somewhere in the middle of the previous two posts.

I assumed the poor sound was the fault of the Arlington and not the movie. Though the Arlington was one of my favorite theaters as a child, I rarely watch a movie there because the seats are uncomfortable, my knees hit the seat in front of me, and when it's crowded like last night it's extremely hot. But I don't fault the movie for these things. I was sitting in the center of the back row of the balcony and the girl sitting next to my friend was sleeping.

Here's my little mini-review that I wrote for my website...

Dave Barry's Complete Guide to Guys (2005) - ** (0ut of 4)
Last night I watched the world premiere of this movie at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. While it made me chuckle several times, it just didn't seem to be very cohesive. I tended to enjoy the bits set in the modern day versus the silly caveman scenes. Though I am a big fan of John Cleese, his scenes didn't do much for me in this movie. One my favorite bits was Dan Marino explaining proper urinal etiquette. I think that was one of problems, it was more just a collection of bits than a complete movie. Some of the scenes were tied together, but it didn't seem to flow very well. With a $17.50 ticket price for this 72 minute film, I didn't feel I got my money's worth.

www.andrewnixon.com/movies - Short Reviews, Top Tens by year/decade, etc


Anyone can defend this movie however they want, it was awful! I don't care who elbowed each other during this experience, it was a completely wretched film. Probably the most cliched movie I have ever experienced. I tended to hate the modern day parts as well as the silly caveman scenes. Horrible acting, horrible script, horrible directing. But then again, we can wait and see what the critics think...that is if this film ever gets picked up, which I seriously doubt it will considering the fact that it sucked large amounts of excrement. Whatever, talk crap about me comparing it to the Abu Ghraib scandel, I would rather be tied to a leash than see this awful movie. I cannnot but feel sorry for Dave Barry, considering the torment he must have gone through at this premiere! Please whatever you do, do not see this movie. And if you believe I have another agenda, please elaborate, I would love to know what exactly that is? Until then, this movie was awful...





2,000 people? Good lord, how big was the theatre?



The Arlington is a big theater, seating capacity 2025...and it was full to capacity (a few folks sitting in the aisles).

Arlinton Theater: http://cinematreasures.org/theater/2/

www.andrewnixon.com/movies - Short Reviews, Top Tens by year/decade, etc


That's impressive. My mistake for thinking you were overexaggerating. I stand corrected.



FYI, it wasn't me who originally posted it. I didn't know how many seats it was til I looked it up (though I did know it was a large theater). The Arlington was one of my favorite theaters growing up, great ambience...I used to love sitting in the front/center row of the balcony. Now that I'm 6'3, the seats are a little close together for my liking (my knees hit the back of the seat in front of me). Plus when it's full to capacity, it's REALLY hot and stuffy!

www.andrewnixon.com/movies - Short Reviews, Top Tens by year/decade, etc


Don't I know how you feel? I'm always taking the backseats at my theatre because I'm nearly 6'5. A lot more leg room and definitely a better view with stadium seating.


