What happened to Dresler?

Was he killed?


I saw him in the preview and he was very upset couse the mike that the other guy saw for almost half movie on the base of the screen...If you get in touch please tell him I'm numismatic...


It wasn't shown but was implied when one of Eichmann's puppets pushed Dressler into a chair and said, "Take care of him -- if he moves, shoot him."

Eichmann knew that the Vassman's (aka the Steinberg's) were not dead and that the grave was empty.


I would like to know why Dressler took Gerhard with him???

If you love Satan and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!



This comes from the deal that the Krauzenberg family were forced to make with the Nazis via their Reich Feurer Himmler. Himmler gave his personal assurance to the Krauzenberg’s for their safety, when Mrs Krauzenberg wanted to know if they could trust Eichmann, Himmler told her not to worry that even Hitler couldn’t intervene. Himmler told Dressler that he was responsible for the Krauzenberg’s arriving safely at the airport.
Initially the Krauzenberg’s only knew the Vassmann’s as German until they admitted to be jewish. Joseph Krauzenberg gave the gold to help them.
Joseph Krauzenberg spoke to Dressler in the trip from the family palace to the airport, at the time it wasn’t obvious what this conversation entailed. But it became obvious when Dressler met the Vassmann’s, in the visa’s he gave them with their cover story it was clearly said the paperwork was signed by Himmler and would not be questioned.
Dressler had to put up a front when Eichmann wanted the Vassman’s shot, hence the show over the phone conversation between Dressler and Eichmann.
Dressler wouldn’t have worried over Edelhein’s threats of Eichmann’s wroth as Dressler was working for Himmler.
The real clincher for my views in this regard is the conversation between Himmler and an aid regarding the Vassmann’s really being jews and not aryans.
Because Himmler was still waiting on the tie up of legalities of the complete transfer of the Krauzenberg family fortune, he prefered to stick to the deal he had signed with them. Himmler specifically said who would care about two jews? when the aid said Dressler would and that he was on his way, Himmler said “stop him”.
At the border station the news had been received from Eichmann for the couple to be stopped, but the head German officer received an official phone call countermanding that order, when he asked the caller for authorisation he was told he was speaking to Himmler, he must also have been told about stopping Dresler. Which is why he challenged Dressler ultimately shooting him, because after all this was Himmler’s direct orders, and no German especially in the forces would dare countermand such orders for fear of their own existence.
