Old BSG vids

Here are some old vids from when the show was first airing that you probably haven't seen but thought you might enjoy.

You Might Be A Cylon!

Letterman Top 10:
(number 5 is my favorite)

We Were Centurions

Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!
"Old Man" of the BSG (RDM) boards.


Thanks for posting these.
On which forum can you be found in the future?


You know, it just occurred to me that it won't really have any value to stay a member at IMDb. I've been a member since 2004, almost 13 years. But the value of being a member was in order to participate in the forums. What's the point of having a personal page with your film rankings if nobody is ever going to see it? I mean, I know which films I like- I don't really need a page to show me that. The film rankings on my personal page are really for other people to be able to look at and compare.

I'm not sure I'll bother ranking any more films. Though, I suppose enough people will continue to do so to give the rankings some meaning.
