MovieChat Forums > Battlestar Galactica (2005) Discussion > Why Shutting Down the IMDB Boards is a B...

Why Shutting Down the IMDB Boards is a Bad Idea

This article really points out some great reasons why shutting down the IMDB Boards is a horrible idea:

I've got no future I can plan on past tomorrow


It's silly that the person who wrote this had to inject the election into it. He's in office. He gets four years just like all the other ones who got elected to that office. You'll have another election in four years and you can change it then if you want. Until then, you're stuck with it. Don't blame everything on one man. The USA had gone to sh-t years ago.


But agree with most everything else that was said.

About the one good thing I can think of that the boards are closing is just knowing that all the trolls who habituate the place will no longer have this place to come to. The rats will have to go elsewhere.


It is a good article and encapsulates what these boards are about. However, I do agree with you about the point about using the election. Even though I don't agree with the way a minority is protesting in the US, I think it is great thing the level of political engagement since Trump was elected. The problem is that it with this level of engagement at one period does cause a level of group think as can be seen with the article where the author blames levels of on line hatred with the election without any evidence and the simple fact of the level of opposition against the migrant ban despite the fact that it doesn't apply to a lot more Muslim majority countries and even more countries with significant Muslim minorities. Of course, this is another argument for another day and another forum.


Well, I just object to the idea that Trump has caused trolls on IMDb. Ever since I joined 12 years ago, there have been trolls. They have got steadily worse over time. But this has been a constant thing. I don't believe there is any sudden spike in the activity now.

You're right, there is a lot of group think going on right now. A lot of herd mentality playing out. A lot of people beating their breasts because other people are doing so.

This same sort of mob mentality led to a lot of false convictions during the 'Satanic Ritual' hysteria in the USA.

Trump's an a-hole, sure. But he got himself elected democratically. His opponent was well hated by a vast portion of the country and that's the straight truth and a major factor in why he won.

Personally, I am at odds with him about Snowden. I think the guy betrayed the government of the USA, absolutely. But he did not betray the American people- he did exactly the right thing. And he gave his information to the American people, he didn't sell it to the Russians as far as we know.

The guy might wind up being executed by Trump when Bradley Manning got a presidential pardon for something that was a lot worse, IMHO.

At any rate, this article wants to be about IMDb. It should stick to that and not venture into national politics. People don't realize how much credibility they lose every time they drag their own politics into the most innocuous of situations.


I would like to think that the engagement caused by the Trump election will be a positive thing where the centre-left can articulate an alternative more defined than bland all-encompassing phrases like equality, diversity and human rights but I fear you may be right, especially considering how Russia is being blamed for hacking elections, politicians and everything else that is going wrong without a shred of evidence, that we are entering a period of hysteria, hyperbole, recriminations and increased polarisation in our (western) societies.

I used to be really interested in politics but now I'm frankly scunnered with it. I am keeping well away from it which is hard because the controversy about Trump is on most of the time on the TV and discussed in at work frequently which is surprising because no one seem interested in our own politics. IMDB was one of the only havens on the net that could give me some respite from it where I could read and enjoy comments about films and TV I love but sadly that is going. I've got a few links for alternative BSG and B5 forums which hopefully will become more busier in the weeks to come.


Another viewpoint:
(scroll down to article)


Shutting down the boards here is plain and simple stupid!
It was the best place to exchange opinions and facts about TV Shows and Movies, simply because everything was linked to the movies and shows.
Otherwise you need to find the board for a certain show or movie and join it to post reviews or questions.

This whole decision only makes sense when preventing critique and information exchange is the true intent.

