What an annoying film...

Im not even going past the opening scene because its such poor writing.

Basically the writers couldnt figure out a way to show us that the Boat dude liked his buddies wife so there is this contrived scene in the beginning where he leaves a party alone, sees what he thinks is a heart—its really just a neon sign—in a puddle and decides to send his buddies wife a valentine.

Ok THREE really obvious things wrong here.

First its not the boat guys story. He isnt the lead character -- JLH is. And to start a film with a character other than the villian or the hero is writing 101. (seriously watch any good film). So right off the get go the viewer is confused as hell.

Second, its so obviously a “bad exposition” turned “trying to be heartfelt scene” that fails miserably. If you want us to feel bad about a dude leaving a party alone, make him see a couple kissing and having fun or better yet lots of couples kissing and having fun. This guy sees a red heart in a puddle. C’mon thats just bad writing, because it doesn’t mean anything. A heart is just a heart until you put some emotional meaning to it. How do they does this...

Voice over. OK so the opening is so lame they need to tell us by voice over what this guy is feeling a real sign of bad filmaking. But the thing is, if youre going to use voice over you should use it throughout the film or at least at act breaks/starts something that makes sense. But no...

By the way casting JLH in a part where we have to believe some guy is tired of her sexually is probably not the best part for her.


If you watched the film you'd discover that 'boat guy' IS the hero.


Please, you wouldnt it because the film becomes Jennifer Hewitts story after the first ten minutes of the film.

The script is terribly flawed, just deal with it champ.


I agree the writing is bad how many times do they say "Bollocks!" (Not sure of spelling) Is this supposed to be a cute British term that Americans will enjoy or just bad writing in repeating the same comment over and over!!!!


not worth watching it!!!!!!!!!!so dull....causes mental derangement



Youre missing the point. My example was a cliche yes (its the writers job to find a better one), but it serves to get the emotional point across. something a red heart in a puddle doesnt.


I agree that the movie on the whole was terrible, and this was a rather contrived way to start it off (and random). However, I just wanted to point out:

--I don't believe we were meant to feel sorry for "Archie" b/c he left some party alone; I believe he was simply walking home DRUNK from a party and he happened upon the heart in the puddle and the paper with the radish that he ultimately decided to mail.

--I actually liked the heart in the puddle better than him just coming upon some couple(s) in the throws of passion on some random street. Ick.

--Plus, it wasn't some great, emotional decision he made, and he wasn't feeling especially lonely, the sending of the valentine seemed like a spur-of-the-moment decision; so the heart scene and his simply getting a kick out of it, as opposed to emotional turmoil, makes more sense.

--I don't believe it was a voice over. He was talking to himself because, again, he was drunk, which is also the reason he thought it would be a good/funny idea to send the valentine to JLH.

Also, a guy like Sam could get sexually bored with any woman; if he's a wanderer, he's a wanderer and he's mostly in it for the excitement of it all anyway, not just because he's bored with his wife. So I didn't think casting was bad for THAT particular reason.

Other than that... agreed.


annoying maybe not poor definetly, the best part for me was the trial actually it read like something that would happen on footballers wives a british series, if it didnt i only saw a year of that show but skanky stuff happened on it!

the husband was such a douche and looked the part too!
what i couldnt believe was she was considering taking him back, up to that end she went and had sex with him knowing he cheated on her pfff
very stupid bit of it she and the good guy hardly had any romantic repressed scenes together unless you count watching porn flicks together, most of the film was wasted on the idiot husband, who deserved to be tricked and humiliated

"Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments..." sonnet 116
