What happened to owl, was he to wise to appear in this movie?


Well I want to know why they haven't used Gopher in the last zillion Pooh movies

Owl is cool they should have used him


I concur, owl rocked =D
Who's Gopher, I only know Winny da Pooh in dutch :D


Gopher was in the Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh and he was in the TV series


i will tell you why gopher wasnt in it its because
"He's not in the book you know"

Owl wasnt in it because he had no reson to be...he wouldnt go hunting for heffalumps and what would he have done if he saw one? But he is a chicken any way he didnt go on the quest to save christopher robin, which is my favorite character so i am a little dissapointed he didnt have a small role but lumpy's voice was extrodinaliy cute so as to make up for my demenor.


If he saw a Heffulump he would report it to Christopher Robin maybe


Lets refer to the books.
In the books, Owl mostly stays in his house, and people go to him on advice. Only sometimes does he go on adventures, and I'm sure he wouldn't go searching for a heffalump.

Gopher never appears in the book, and his voice always bothered me. I was glad he wasn't in this movie.


*sad about what you said about Gopher*


I agree. I would like to see more of Owl and very much more of Gopher.
I forgot about Gopher until you mentioned him. Thanks.

But the one I would like to see the most of is Eeyore. They probably keep him to a minimum so as to not depress the kids, but I'm already depressed, so to me he's very funny!



Perhaps we should all recognize that Owl and Gopher are the grandfather figures of the Hundred Acre Wood gang. Both are my favorite characters and both are elderly forest animals who give advice to the gang.



Oooo! I have that on video!
"Yesshir, that'ssh my grandpappy. He's a gopher of few words!"
"Thounds like a gopher of two words."

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Quote by - tinkieebelliee

i will tell you why gopher wasnt in it its because
"He's not in the book you know"

Ha ha. Good one!

When I was watching the Heffalump movie I thought they were all running to Owl's house at the beginning and was surprised when they went to see Rabbit for advice about the noise they heard.

