MovieChat Forums > The Guardian (2006) Discussion > 10 Min Bomb. hollywood Stinks again.

10 Min Bomb. hollywood Stinks again.

1st- Old Kev is in the water in a scuba suit/water proof whatever it is he swims up to the People in the Water And says something to the effect
"Hey Im with the Coast Guard Im here to Help" Something along those lines.

At that point I cant Help but LOL so hard it hurt, I was hoping the woman would have said " Well NO Crap I figured that Out when I seen the Big Orange and White Helicopter over MY HEAD!!!!

2nd- cliche scene- man wants into the basket 1st almost get wife killed?? what the? next You see them at the port and the woman on the gurney yelling at the man - again Such really really bad writing/scripting.

2.A.- Should have been Man Helps Coster get wife into the basket and then Either is - washed away by big wave and is lost Or 2.B- Man is washed away , woman is upset ,Kevin saves both man and woman; cliche but still alot better and more dramtic than what they had.

3rd- Kev goes Home and What Do You know?? Not a happy Home?, wow imagine that.
Typical Wife isnt happy with Kev's Job blah blah blah blah blah blah-Like that hasnt been done too DEATH alrdy. He spends too much time at work blah blah blah blah blah.

Kev the "Wimp" says "Tell me how I can fix this???? HUH?? Its Your Job man get a grip. Your Wife didnt know You wer in the coast guard when she married You?.
We've seen this SAME formula IN Countless movies.

3A- what he should have said....- Fine get the HELL OUT and then take her stuff and throw it onto the lawn.

3B- after watching Kev wimper to his wife Ad nauseam I decided to turn it off.

Moral of the story - Hollywood still puts out the same old crap, finding a movie thats actually worth watching is a Rare treat.

The End.


there are cliche scenes, it's just a shame that none of your alternatives are better.



I disagree 100%. or 99 1/2%.

sorry none of this movie isn't reality as You call it.

I'll just skip to the Military part.

1-Grow up alrdy I was in the Military I grew up in a Military family In a Military Neighborhood surrounded by Military families.

We all knew when Dad went to sea for 6 months that was His Job thats Life same for all the other families in the Neighborhood, Their were No pity parties.

when your in the Military it is your Life you don't have a choice, otherwise don't sign up, 24/7 its your life You can be called out as a moments notice for training that may take you away for 3/6/9/12 months etc . Ive been their done it and I have 3 children. Didn't like it But hey its my Job.

and worst case is war - which Ive also been called up for and done it for 2 tours. didn't like it But it was my job.

Same problem for Police/firefighters/Coast guard etc etc. Its their job if you think as someone Spouse that all the sudden your Wife/Husband can all the sudden Stop having dedication to their job is just stupid.

what He didn't have any days off?? No vacation time??. So according to you , You really cant have any kind of Job that doesnt suit your Spouses time Frame??.

so this movie was really a chick movie? because of Costner?.


You're embarassing whatever military division you serve.

First of all it's a movie, but to say the movie would have been better if Costner would have kicked his wife out of the house and threw all of her things in the yard is ridiculous. It's not realistic to think that a man would be upset if his wife was trying to leave him? That's not cliche, that's life.

At least pretend that you're educated, even though the contrary is quite clear.

all Of tHe things THat you are ComPlaininG about doN't Make any SensE.??//!!??..


great movie.

everything Costner touches is panned by critics

and everything Costner touches turns out to be very good

I Love You Goldie


People will consider your opinions more, when you learn to use capital letters correctly.


Wow this have to be one of the most uneducated posts. This is why I hate the internet because morons can post anything and even bigger morons believe it.

Anytime a movie maker makes a film about the military 99% of the time they hire someone in the military to ensure authenticity.

In every part of the government they have strict uniform rules that are usually do to something that happened. The reason that he says "Hey Im with the Coast Guard Im here to Help" is because people sometimes go into shock and don't know what is going on.

Whatever the *beep* this is, its completely gibberish, and I can't believe you actually give a *beep* about this scene of all the scenes...

"2nd- cliche scene- man wants into the basket 1st almost get wife killed?? what the? next You see them at the port and the woman on the gurney yelling at the man - again Such really really bad writing/scripting. 2.A.- Should have been Man Helps Coster get wife into the basket and then Either is - washed away by big wave and is lost Or 2.B- Man is washed away, woman is upset ,Kevin saves both man and woman; cliche but still alot better and more dramtic than what they had."

Your 3rd gripe - Most of the people in the military come to the military due to problems in their life. And most women who marry men in the military even though they know what they do, can't prepare themselves for the true life of a servicemember. I used to see this on a very regular basis. It is very common and makes the story very true.

I'm guessing you've never had a real relationship and thats why you think he's a "wimp". Go through a divorce and see who is the "wimp"...

I don't think that you are looking for an accurate movie, go see stars wars or dark knight again if your bored. Some people prefer movies based on real life.

Being a former service member the ending brought me to tears, I suggest you go back and rewatch with different expectations.

On a positive note, I was a deep sea diver, and the training was very similar. I thought the accuracy of the training was pretty cool. Only bad thing is that the deviations would never be allowed in real life no matter how much of a super start the training instructor was.


well as usual your wrong, hiring someone in the military doesn't mean jack
thats a given just ask anyone who's been in the military what they think about different war movies and how real or close to real they were, Or hell even in most cases if the Uniforms were correct or what the people in the movie were actually saying what someone in the military might say to someone/anyone.

this movie in no way represents real life.

as for the rest of your babbling? is just that lots of babble by someone who is clueless.



Sorry rgrant543 but this entire post is a joke. One of my good friends in college ended up going into the Coast Guard and actually ended up becoming a support guy for a rescue swimmer or in other words the guy who checks and makes sure his equuipment is in order before he jumps in the water. He also keeps the pilot informed of what is going on and helps with medical attention once the people are on board. We actually had a decent discussion about this film back when it first came out and I asked a lot of questions regauring its authenticty and to make a long story short, he said it was extremely authentic and the only scenes that werent authentic were some of the scenes at A School during thier training but he said in defence of the film that Kevin Costner's character made it openly clear that he wasnt going to run his class by the book and to quote him, he "Wanted to bridge the gap bewteen what happens in school and what happens on a real call". So the film was doing things different on purpose in some of those scenes so of course they would not be 100% authentic to eal class room instruction. It was done on purpose so you cant hold that against the film's overall authenticy. He said everything else in the film was by the book and was absolutely authentic. I think ill take his word over yours.

The first point you make is by far the most ridiculous as its mandatory for all rescue swimmers to announce who they are when they are approaching the victims. The only time they dont announce themselves is when someone is obviously in severe panic and in these situations they actually sneak up from behind and get the victim in a safe hold position. Even in these cases the rescue swimmer still announces who he is, he just does it after he has the person in a safety hold instead of before. The film was 100% authentic in this regard. Your acting like people who are drowning or people who need rescue are in a normal state of mind and this is so beyond ridiculous that it honestly shows you havent a single clue what your talking about. Most people who are rescued are at the very least panicing and in severe hypothermia. If you knew anything you would know that hypothermia effects your enire body including your though process. The bottom line is announcing that they are Rescue swimmers is again part of the mandatory procedure for ALL rescue swimmers and its taught to them from the first day in school.

Your other points are pretty much just as bad especially the one about the husband taking the wife down. When someone is drowning they will take down anyone that is close to them regardless of who those people are. Once again your acting like such people are using rational thought. Sorry but someone drowning does not rationalize that its his wife that he is pulling down. There have been countless documented cases of people pulling other people down when drowning including freinds, relatives and even husbands and wives. Again these people are panicing and its 100% survival instict. This is why Rescue swimmers are always taught to approach from behind and its why the film concentrated so much on this point. Even the school scenes in the film highlighted the importantce of being able to take control of a panicing swimmer and that is because that is one of the biggest dangers for rescue swimmers. Drowing people will do anything they can to stay afloat including pulling other people down and that does not just include non family members. Again these people are not thinking rationally at all and are completely panic stricken. Its 100% survival instict. This point on top of the first one really shows how uneducated you really are in these matters thus your really the last person who should be talking about this films authenticity.

There is of course never any shortage of people trying to talk about things they have little to no understanding of on the internet. This is just another perfect example of just that.


Amen to that Orange Crush.


Dude, you have no idea about life.
Alone your "I would say GET THE HELL OUT" shows: You have no idea about life, love, anything. You're an idiot!

*beep* internet-moron. Talking *beep* because he's anonym...
Go to bed, moron
