MovieChat Forums > The Chumscrubber (2006) Discussion > This film sucked because it was terribly...

This film sucked because it was terribly acted.

I think that is the directors fault though. Because I have seen these actors in other roles, and they were wonderful. I thought this movie could have been interesting and enjoyable if it had been directed better. I liked the story, but I hated the ending so much.

R.I.P. Arrested Development.



This film was brilliantly acted AND superbly directed. Apart from Arrested Development (which I adore), I'd hate to see what you think is good if you think this was bad!!

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


Sorry, I have to agree with elicool here. Arrested Development was the best sitcom ever, and this film was terribly acted, at least by the adult actors. I expect young actors these days to be terrible, as they were here--after all, what do they have to learn from, old episodes of "Dawson's Creek"? The acting was bad because the script was poorly executed and the directing was amateurish. Oh, wait, the director came up with the story? Well, that explains a lot.


elicoolz, ur dumb


i hate to break it to you guys but everyone thinks this is bad! well critics anyway.
i don't agree but it doesnt deserve the praise you're giving it. I know its been said but Camilla Belle-was just...well lets blame it on the badly written character should we.


Well, I must be psychotic then because I thought it was brilliantly acted! Maybe not Camilla Belle so much, but Jamie Bell and the two guys (can't remember their names n0w) acquitted themselves really, really well.

"I never knew magic crazy as this"
Nick Drake
19/06/1948 – 25/11/1974

reply'm CAN'T mean The Chumscrubber. *rubs eyes* Oh, are talking about The Chumscrubber. Well, then...I have no idea what you're talking about because everyone in that movie (save 'Crystal') was brilliant! Are you sure you're talking about the Chumbscrubber?

"Turn off the lights and turn off the shyness..."
Fall Out Boy!


Thumbsucker is a great coming of age film. This movie has nothing on Thumbsucker. I was so dissapointed when I saw Lou Pucci in such a *beep* movie. That is why I know it was the directors fault, because Lou Pucci is brilliant in Thumbsucker, but his performance is contrived and makes no sense in this film.

R.I.P. Arrested Development.


Comparing The Chumscrubber & Thumbsucker is like comparing a butterfly with a monster truck!! They're completely different stories trying to get across completely different messages! The only similarities were:
- they're independant
- feature Lou Taylor Pucci
- & were made &/or released in 2005!!

I loved both films but for very different reasons & I certainly wasn't expecting them to be similar. I liked them for the stories & messages they both gave me which were very different to each other.

BTW, ALL the actors were brilliant in The Chumscrubber INCLUDING Camilla Belle & if you expect the actors you like to be in films YOU expect to like ALL the time then you're in for a dissappointing life elicoolz... (although you're completely wrong about The Chumscrubber & Lou's performance in it - both superb!!)

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


You are a douche bag.

R.I.P. Arrested Development.


Ooooh... you're soooo clever & mean. I REALLY wanna cry now. Man, I feel really ripped... HA! HA! HA! HA! Douche Bag! HA! HA! HA! I never knew you felt that way. I'm SO sorry I offended you by expressing an opinion. My bad... (Mwahahahahaha...)

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


you're still a douche bag.

R.I.P. Arrested Development.


Um, I think that title belongs to you. You can dish it but ya can't take it, eh?? I'd hate to see you what you'd say if someone ACTUALLY critisized you as opposed to just having a difference of opinion.

If you're going to take personally differences of opinion then don't post BS comments on a board that has lots of its fans. Crikey! Your response(s) really do show how wrong about this film you are. "Oh, someone opposed my view & then had the gall to be sarcastic about me calling them a douche bag! OMG! I guess I'll just have to call them a douche bag again just to show them how clever I am!"

Yeah, you're real clever & classy. Actually, all it means is that you're too stupid & have nothing to say about about MY comments on Chumscrubber & Thumsucker. You can't say anything back because you were WRONG to begin with. Best you can do is name-calling & pathetic name-calling that. Says it ALL about you...

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


Still... a douche bag.

R.I.P. Arrested Development.


elicoolz, you argue like a PMSing 13-year-old. But you're repeated use of the 'insult' douchebag is so juvenille, so AMERICAN I actually find it funny! You kinda remind me of Billy which can be a good or a bad thing depending on your outlook.
Wow! Look at me going off on a tangent! What I'm trying to say is...are you capable of providing a sensible argument? Coz everytime I select a comment by you I'm hoping for something intelligent to argue on and each time I'm disappointed!

"Turn off the lights and turn off the shyness..."
Fall Out Boy!


Why should I argue with you? We have differing opinions, whatever you say won't change my mind and whatever I say won't change yours. So why should I argue with you? I think this film was trite, contrived and juvenile. I was actually embarrassed while watching it because of the downright stupidity and obvious marketing to teens. A great film is able to relate to everyone. This film communicates nothing to it's audience. It doesn't do anything intelligent with the characters, it simply plays out an awful, unbelievable story. I can tell that you are an unintelligent and ignorant sorry piece of being (douche bag) because of two things, your god awful taste (fall out boy is one of the most unintelligent commercial sell outs of this decade) and your obvious hatred for Americans. I do not judge people by where they are from or what color they are. That is called ignorance and with it you can achieve nothing. I judge people on their intelligence, and you sir have none.

And you are still a douche bag.

R.I.P. Arrested Development.


& you're still completely wrong about the film, elicoolz & now after your last post - full of sh*t!! I'm surprised the sheer brilliance of Arrested Development wasn't lost on your narrow sense of entertainment judgement to be honest...

As for your BS about "hating Americans" & "unintelligence", WHY you said that escapes me because the film doesn't hate Americans & is highly intelligent story-telling so you MUST have been referring to yourself. No where has anyone posted the anti-American thing for a start (goes to show stupid YOU are there) & the only person looking like they're lacking intelligence is yourself!

Cheerio douche bag!

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


Ah, at least this time you're TRYING to sound smart. Very nice. WHY should you argue with me? Uh...because that's what people DO on these sites. They DISCUSS things. It is also known as 'debating', i.e expressing your individual opinions on something you feel strongly about, otherwise you're just rambling on pointlessly, also known as talking to yourself! Unless the only reason you started this discussion was so people would agree with you and tell you how smart you are. If that is the case please say so and I will refrain from bothering you.

And FYI, I don't hate Americans! My boyfriend is American. What I MEANT was calling someone a douchebag over and over again is STEREOTYPICALLY American. That's why I found it funny. It's the kind of thing you'd expect from a stoner with nothing better to say.

LEAVE FOB ALONE! OMG! I don't care how *beep* commercial they are, they STILL make great music and they're really good guys. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you're right and everyone else is wrong. The same goes for this movie. You see now? This is called 'debating'.

"Turn off the lights and turn off the shyness..."
Fall Out Boy!


Both, Douche Bags.

R.I.P. Arrested Development.


Okay, I think we're done here.

"Turn off the lights and turn off the shyness..."
Fall Out Boy!


I think you're a douche bag.

R.I.P. Arrested Development.


Nuh-uh... YOU'RE the douche bag elicoolz!! The biggest in the whole wide world! A bigger one than Bush even!

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


wow... the movie is amazingly done and is full of terrific actors... and yeah stereotypically americans are ignorant, which is better than being pansies like the french... but who the hell cares... jackasses are jackasses no matter what country they're from.... and um how bout we leave the stoners out of this....


Please don't bother with elicoolz. He's a real (and I'm quoting here) douchebag!
Anyway, what is it they say about pigs? Don't play with them because then YOU get dirty and the pigs just have a good time!

"Turn off the lights and turn off the shyness..."
Fall Out Boy!


You guys are Douche bags. This movie sucks, and if you don't agree than you have down syndrome. If you consider this film to be even alright, than you have down syndrome. Get a 21st chromosome douche bags.

R.I.P. Arrested Development.


We've actually ALL established that YOU'RE the douche bag here. Not only for thinking that the film sucked but now for your lame jibes about the condition of Downs Syndrome!! It's obvious you know very little about anything anyway but we have proof you nothing about Downs & how many chromosomes you'd need to suffer from it!! So you're an insesitive prick too???

Just give up already!! You're only embarrassing yourself more & more by your patheticness... The film's still brilliant & you're still THE douche bag!

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


WEll, I disagree *beep* nutz. This film sucks ass. It's a piece of garbage. We have all decided that you have down syndrome. Douche bag. you are a donkey raping bastard. And you have a terrible taste in movies.

R.I.P. Arrested Development.


Not "we", moron - YOU! Only you think that (unless by "we" you're referring to your imaginary friends too because they're the only friends you'd have). You're the douche bag who knows NOTHING & has terrible taste in movies. You evidently only possess half a brain too, because you don't like The Chumscrubber & know less than nothing about Downs Syndrome!! To have Down Syndrome you have to be born with it & if I were born with it I wouldn't be able to type this, dumb-ass! As for the other name, you're REALLY clutching at straws to come up with THAT...

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


bar none, worst movie ever written.

you are all still douchebags. you like this movie because it is full of douchebags.


Obviously another good judge of EVERYTHING (not)!

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


next to boondock saints no other movie has such a huge following of idiots this movie is way worse than boondock saints though


The only idiots are people who DON'T like the film...

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


oh my god
i had such low hopes for this movie
but it is WORSE, so MUCH WORSE than i thought


So WHY on EARTH did you bother with it?? Just do what I do, the first couple of Di Caprio/Scorsese films that I watched were CRAP! I only watched "Gangs" for Daniel & "Aviator" for Cate but the films both sucked big time with crap acting from the lead & sub-standard directing so now, I won't ever bother with a Di Caprio/Scorsese combo movie ever again, depite the co-stars!! For example, I'll never bother with "The Departed" because I KNOW in advance it'll be rubbish & never be like the original which I adore. But the fact that it's a poor rendition of "Infernal Affairs" is not why I won't be seeing it (& as for the Oscars it won, that was an obvious mistake from the Academy & still ain't a draw-card)!

If you thought "Chum" was gonna be bad before you saw it, amudad, why bother??? It's no wonder you say you didn't like it because you had the "hate it" attitude from the start. Whereas, I know I'm gonna hate a Di Caprio/Scorsese film so that's why I don't bother with them!!!

PS: Your not liking this film still means it's brilliant!! Enjoy continuing to waste your time with things you hate ;-P

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


Please tell me you are being facetious. Did you like Crash? That's a great movie that teaches all about racism, right?


I actually enjoyed Chumscrubber for what it was. The acting was extremely good by the adults, the kids all acted, well, like teenage actors with no experience.

Also, scattynattyno1, just because I liked the movie as well doesn't make you any less of a douchebag.


Not the worst movie ever written, but one of the worst-written movies ever, that's a fact.


Gee stop-making-sense, if having an opinion, defending brilliant cinema & hating Di Caprio/Scorsese films makes me a douchebag then don't EVER enter into a profession that requires you to ACTUALLY have to make sense... you won't be very successful if you do!

"Easy to do justice, very hard to do right" - The Winslow Boy


The Departed is great, best film of that kind since Donnie Brasco..

This movie however was weak. It certainly tried too hard to recreate the feel of Donnie Darko. The complacent, apathetic general attitudes and even so much as to have the voice of the Chumscrubber be almost identical to 'Frank' from Darko.
I dont have a problem with inspired films (cos naturally all movies take inspiration from somewhere) i dont even have a problem with blatant ripoffs but this movie definetly lacked character building which meant that potentially we could have had a dramatic conclusion, but not enough effort was spent on building the characters so basically we didn't give a *beep* what happened.

Other than that i was entertained by the film and atleast in some instances it was thought provoking but i really disliked the actor who played Billy, i was happy to see him get cut in the eye and it was equally great to see him get run down, and to top it off the kunt is getting sodomised for eternity.. i only wish the actor actually has to suffer this ordeal in real life to make up for his lack luster performance. Crystal is fascinating. Not gonna lie, i wish she did porn..

In conclusion, anyone who thinks im a DOUCHEBAG is either
a) a douchebag themselves, or
b) 100% correct.



PLEASE stop being such a douchebag.


Perhaps the younger, less experienced actors could have played their roles better, but in my opinion all of the "adult" actors were spectacular. Ralph Fiennes was brilliant in this movie.


See, I thought the movie sucked in spite of the good acting. The director's so obviously full of himself it's sickening. You can tell he thinks he's saying groundbreaking stuff when I've seen it all before, and done better too.


He's like Larry Clark x1000


I understand what you are saying cus while i was watching the movie i found it hard not to rant about how bad they were acting. However,this movie is a satire and satires work at their best with lots of exageration.


I thought the acting was fantastic and/or enjoyable, depending on the actor/character, but in no way was it ever terrible...

Deliver us! - The Prince of Egypt


Jamie Bells performance was superb as always. As for the rest of the cast, mediocer at best.


Camille Belle's acting was probably the worst. I seriously wanted to punch her in the face through out the entire movie!
