what the hell

can someone please tell me why everyone likes this movie? is there some like, hidden meaning that i'm not understanding? because as far as i know its just about some kidnapper, confessing his love for some woman he doesn't know, kidnapping people into singing for him and then dying?

is it like, symbolic or something? i didn't get it.


I thought it was a strnage, well-made movie that you don't see every day.

My wife was upset at what happened at the end, and doesn't want anything to do with it. I want a copy so I can watch even when not online.

And the song got in my head!


I watched this in my Spanish lit class. It has to do with an element of European culture that Americans may not identify with. My teacher explained that the cafe its set in is a commonplace in Europe; everyone gets their coffee at cafes in the morning. But gradually everyone has been getting caught up in their own worlds and no one even pays attention to other patrons anymore, a horrible trait common in Americans. It mourns this. There might have been more to it than this, but its been a while since that particular lecture and I don't quite remember what else she might have said. But something along those lines.

Next week on Arrested Development: Buster moves to the kitchen.


Amen to that, sweet powers.

Put him in a BODY BAG!


I felt the film was set along completely different lines, especially since the woman seems at least someone intimate with the bartender and her surroundings. To me, it seemed to be more of a sad little love story about plucking up the courage to talk to the object of your affection.


he doesn't even survive, after all that hard work.


well, it's so good that it has a deep political reading: the movie is basque and plays as a metaphore of the political situation there with the basque terrorism... no matter how much the terrorists persue independency, their ways only scare and make simply impossible to get it. Of course it could be chance, but I doubt Vigalondo didn't consider this parallelism, specially when using a bomb threat as device...


I think it's just a wonderfully fun idea for a short film and that people are reading way too much into it.





I think he is trying to prove many things that are relevant in today's contest.
Like to ask for love with a bomb as threat !!! i.e in the modern world we fight war for freedom,democracy and religion. Isn't it self evident that how good or wonderful the end cause maybe if you follow it through wrong means of action especially violence and threat in this case....you ultimately end up doing more evil than good!!!
Chances are he is promoting non-violence as a key to all our miseries just like Mahatma Gandhi as one of his quote goes "Nothing enduring can be built on violence"!!!
