
Okay, If Walter had wished Danny had never been born, Walter would then be stuck in the game, but Lisa (I can't remember if she was still frozen at this point)was in the house too.
My q?s are... 1 What Happens to Lisa? 2 What happens to the house? 3 how the hell did walter get space gear? 4 Where did walter get space food tubes?

It's a good movie & all, way better than Jumanji(maybe thats just because my little brother used to watch it like 4 times a day every day for about a month until I stole the video, thus makeing it impossible for me to ever watch it again) , I just couldn't help but ask myself these Quest-tons.


i just finished watching the movie and the thing about lisa was puzzling to me. there should've been another lisa, but i guess the producers didn't care about putting that into the story.

actually, with thinking about it more, there's nothing wrong with not mentioning the other lisa. the older walter came from another dimension since he came from a wormhole. the house the older walter lived in was still in that other dimension. the older lisa must've still been in the other dimension, and, simply, the card that could've brought the older lisa through the wormhole never came, so the older lisa was likely left alone in her dimension. walter must've gotten the space gear and space food tubes, or other tubes, perhaps from travelling space ships in the dimension he was in.


wow...thank goodness my comprehension is working well today...that explains why lol! Though I also thought (when the older walter was sucked into younger walter's body and same with older and younger Danny) that it was part of the card's magic or something. Like, there wasn't really an older Walter and Danny. In all those time machine movies I've seen, history ALWAYS repeats itself unless there was an intervention and the older Walter didn't do anything when that shooting star me he just kept bugging the younger Walter about making bad decisions/wishes and stuff so what he was saying might not have affected younger Walter in any way...Plus, if older Walter was real, he shouldn't have gotten sucked into younger Walter's body in my opinion. Anyway, it's just a point in analyzing stuff (even though I just did) LOL And this why I don't like watching movies or reading stuff about people in time machines...everything becomes a complete mess!


I think Lisa was still frozen, and it took five(?) turns for her to get un-frozen. So, because walter couldn't play anymore without danny, she would stay frozen.


Ok - if Walter wished that his brother had never been born, who was he playing the game with....................?

I've swallowed the little book of calm.....


Nobody was playing the game with Walter when he wished his brother away. Since the game can't continue without ALL of the players, Walter never got to finish it and return home, he says that to, or something like about having wished his brother away some years ago and being trapped in space because he couldn't continue without the other player, a.k.a. - Danny. So that's how he ended up in the game, I think.

I also think that's how Lisa ended up in an alternate dimension because she was in the house when they were playing which caused her to encounter whatever her brothers encountered. Therefore, since Walter was the sole player left and the game couldn't continue, they were BOTH trapped in the game because Danny was no longer around.


K - Get that, but the wish was that his brother had never been born - wouldn't that create a paradox - am I thinking about this way too deeply? - I need a hobby or a boyfriend or both!!

I've swallowed the little book of calm.....


This is all I can say:

1) If his brother had never been born, Walter would have never played the game because it was DANNY who found the board game, and since he wouldn't have been around to find it, Walter and Lisa never would have encountered its dangers.


2) Since Walter made the wish that his brother was never born, Danny would have disappeared, and Walter and Lisa would have been trapped in the game because it can't continue without BOTH players.(Lisa was only trapped with them because she was in the house). Therefore, the whole thing with the astronaut would continue, probably until he was finally successful in preventing himself from making the wish.

I hope you understood that. Either one is possible.


Heres what puzzles me, if he had wished hed never been born then how did he get sucked into space and become the standing astro turf? shoodnt he have not been able to finish or has this been explained and im just effing deet dee dee?


I thought Jumanji was way better. It didn't have the plot-holes this movie has. And here we are trying to explain things that have no real explanation or shouldn't need to be explained or figured out if the movie had been well constructed in the first place. The only thing I liked about the movie was Danny. . .he was adorable.



Well its a time paradox. You cant possibly explain time travel,because we cant do it. I thought it was a neat movie.

Beast? You have yet to see the definition.


Bigpyro1618 -

The reason Walter got stuck in the game after he wished Danny away was because without BOTH players, the game can't continue and will remain active until the NEXT player goes. Since DANNY was the NEXT player, and he was no longer there, Walter was trapped IN the game.

Remember Jumanji? The game came to life and turned EVERYTHING into a jungle until they beat it. Zathura made an alternate space and sucked them in until the game ended. THAT'S how Walter remained trapped.


Thanks man that helped a lot.


the game can only make thing happen within the game. It can't erase Danny from existance outside the game and make it so Danny and Walter never play it. All it can do is erase Danny inside the game leaving Walter alone. Also Walter can't get a time spincter card because the game paused itself. The time spincter must have happened without Walter continuing the game


lisa was unfrozen by that point dumbass


It takes five turns for her to defrost, and the shooting star turn was before that fifth turn. So in the alternate dimension, she's frozen for all eternity.


He gets 2 shooting star cards, the first one was the baseball or what ever he wished for a hat i forget. The second one would have been his brother if the astronat guy hadn't told him that he did the same to his brother so thatw as the intervention for teh second card.



Yes, he wished it on the first shooting star card, that is why he ran screeming to Danny's room afterwards.

No, there was no "next" Danny and Walter. There was only one Danny, one Walter, one Lisa. Walter made the terrible wish, so Danny ceased to exist as if he had never been born. Walter then could not continue the game, so he stayed in it for the next fifteen years, during which time he learned all about the Zorgons and other things within the game, and eventually he learned about time travel. So, he travelled back in time to before he had wished Danny away. Thus he was able to meet himself from fifteen years earlier (and Danny, too). Whenever Walter (the one from 15 years earlier) was arguing with Danny, he acted as the peace keeper, so he (from 15 years earlier) would not come to the point of wishing Danny away.

It was the same Walter, not a next Walter; the same game, not a next game.

Now, as for the original question, what happened to Lisa. It did not matter what happened to her. Once Walter travelled back in time and prevented his younger self from wishing Danny away, the game was back on track, so it made no difference what happened to Lisa in the original time line.

The only reason we meet the other Danny is that Walter, unaware that the astronaut was himself, wished for the astronaut's brother to come back. It was not necessary from the time travel perspective, it only happened because he wished it (and because the story tellers needed an excuse to explain that the astronaut was Walter).

The only thing that mattered was that Walter found a way to finish the game (by travelling back in time and making peace between his younger self and Danny). After the game is over, it resets itself, so everything is back to normal, the house is back to normal, the gerbil is back to normal, Danny is back to normal, Walter is back to normal (except he stops being nasty to Danny), and Lisa is back to normal. Well, everything except the bike, but that's really just a joke so there is no doubt that it all did actually happen despite them pretending that it never happened.
