
So Moni is returning to Tonik (sorry, can't remember, watched few nights ago but remember she came BACK from the States & was looking for him)?
So is that everyone's take?
Please excuse my utter lack of focus or memory but am curious --for whatever reason--& care to know.

Oh and that Dasha was mental, sure but WHY in the world wouldn't authorities be involved? I mean...c'mon.
She was mean, ungrateful & ridiculously abusive--or at least stunningly neglectful--Mom.
Oh...and while on THAT, BTW....I dunno HOW they made the one boy cry when she shoved them both out with the Xmas present...but watching THAT scene angered me. Just to do THAT to a child for a movie. His face spoke all. That boy was SO beside himself, don't think kid THAT young can ACT that, it was REAL!
She would in NO way be competent to then take care of her 2 kids (and one more on the way--if she kept her pregnancy, once released).

Well I'll hope the other two ended together & had their own kids. I prefer that conclusion. And that Dasha's recommitted & her kids permanently removed from her sorry custody.

