How long is Riddick's stay in Butcher Bay?

I haven't played the game, but I was wondering, just how long is Riddick's stay in Butcher Bay. Does it depend on the players level or is it fixed in the story?

If it depends on the player, how long did it take you?


The game takes around 10 hours to finish on average. I don't know how long he actually spends there, they never say.


Take the following into consideration...

1,suppose Riddick arrived in Butcher Bay in Day 0, he should start his escape in day 1, as suggested he blackout for some hours.

2,the transferring to the Mines(which is the underground section of Butcher Bay) may take another few hours and some procedures. Later Riddick battled about 5 persons in fistfights, realistically, he could never do that in 1 day. So let's say that took about a week. So now it's day 9.

3,later Riddick's escape failed again and he was put in cryosleep, and only allowed to walk in a closed room for 2 minutes a day. Therefore, if you figured the trick of breaking the closed room in, let's say, day 3, then Riddick's final escape from Butcher Bay started in Day 13. And that day he escaped. So realistically Riddick had stayed in Butcher Bay for 2 weeks. Quite a short vacation right?

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