Name of the song

What is the name of the song ?

Smack her with a dick, smack her with a dick! smack her with a dick, smack her with a dick! A put a dick in her ear,dick in the ear, dick in the ear! *beep* her in the eye, *beep* her in the eye! *beep* her in the eye, *beep* her in the eye! Blind the bitch, blind the bitch...


I hope you're not serious.

The revolution will now be televised. Sundays on Adult Swim.


I was soooo disappointed that this wasn't a real song! I mean, if you can have 'til the sweat drip from my b*lls', then why not?

I may just have to record it! D'you think Chris owns the copyright?


Ah, peas! I'll 'ave some of them buggers!


whats the name of the song at the end of the film???

(starts with a gunshot)


made you look


hahahah that song is hilarious, "blimd the bitch, blind the bitch". the dance he does seals it too


Thanks man, I was searching for that song for ever!
