great movie!

(spoilers ahead, and possible misspell)

this film teaches us what really matters. not the money, not our jobs, not our position in society. the main chacarcter (Nick) could be a millionaire with his rich stepfather, but instead he wants to live on his own, even if that means he has to be a cleaner in a mental hospital, or whatever job he gets.

yes, he is a little bit of a crook, has a tendency for stealing cars, go on train without ticket, but nobody is perfect. he is a thief with a soul, I would say.

this film reminded me a little bit on "What dreams may come" (Robin williams, annabella sciorra), at the end, where he choses to go to hospital and go mental in a way, just to be with her.

same thing did Robin Williams in "What dreams may come", when he tried to save his wife, by choosing to go insane.


Beautiful and touching, i liked alot. Only annoying thing was the music, it wasn't beautiful and touching - well, maybe the Halleluja a bit just a bit. Movie made me smile a lot and cry a bit, so must be quite good, especially in showing feelings. Story line was new to me which also made it enjoying to watch. Leila's actress did great job, it really isn't easy role - being same time fragile, innocent, but also lost and simple minded, but she did it.

Sure the movie wasn't perfect, could had been smoother in some parts but the roughiness was fine. Lack of some reality was compensated by feelings.
